CALD data collection and analysis
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity (SSCLD) presents a nationally consistent framework for the collection and dissemination of data on cultural and language diversity.
In 2022 the ABS released the ‘Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity’ (the Standards) to standardise the collection and reporting of information on CALD populations. The Standards include a minimum core set of indicators including:
- country of birth of person
- main language other than English spoken at home
- proficiency in spoken English.
The Standards also recommend a set of non-core indicators, which includes year of arrival in Australia.
The Queensland Multicultural Policy requires Queensland Government agencies (including Queensland Health and Hospital and Health Services) to collect information on the following three minimum indicators relating to persons from CALD backgrounds:
- country of birth
- preferred language, and
- whether an interpreter service is required.
Additional information
Visit the following websites for more information:
- Queensland Health Statistical services branch
- Australian Bureau of Statistics Cultural diversity: Census
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Culturally and linguistically diverse Australians
- World Health Organization Refugee and migrant health