Rehabilitation Programs
What does spinal cord rehabilitation mean?
At the Spinal Injuries Unit (SIU) we offer a comprehensive primary rehabilitation program for people with new injuries, treatment for people with an existing spinal cord injury with complex issues and medical outpatient services.
The journey through rehabilitation may be different for each individual depending on their unique needs.
The primary aim of the rehabilitation process is to maximise independence for each individual within the context of their individual goals, their community environment and their level of injury. Wherever possible, the journey through rehabilitation is patient directed and staff supported.
Rehabilitation following a spinal cord injury involves many factors, including adjustment and maintenance around physical health, psychological wellbeing, social and vocational roles. Rehabilitation is not just exercise, but is a process that covers all aspects of learning to care for yourself and your health. It is important to start a routine early, getting up on time and doing as much as possible for your program and yourself each day.
Rehabilitation is a 24 hour, 7 day a week process that starts as soon as you wake up in the mornings. It is important to realise that rehabilitation is a team effort, with you and your family at the centre.
You become part of our interdisciplinary team which is made up of Rehabilitation Specialists, Doctors, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Social Workers, Neuropsychologists, Rehabilitation Facilitators, Dieticians, Pharmacists, Speech Therapists, support staff and other medical and surgical specialty staff.
Together we establish an individual rehabilitation plan through:
- getting to know you as an individual
- discovering together what it is you would like to achieve
- writing down the things you want to achieve
- setting a timeframe to achieve them
- breaking down your goals into daily tasks
Your whole team will support you and you will be allocated a Rehabilitation Facilitator who together with your Social Worker will guide you through the process. Setting goals for your stay here at the Spinal Injuries Unit provides a sense of direction for you and your rehabilitation team.
The team at SIU will help prepare you for discharge and connect you to the necessary community services through our transition and ongoing follow up services for people with spinal cord injury.