
Our aim

The aim of physiotherapy for patients with a spinal cord lesion, who are admitted to the Spinal Injuries Unit of the Queensland Spinal Cord Injury Service (QSCIS) at Princess Alexandra Hospital, is to optimise quality of life by enhancing their physical capabilities.

Physiotherapy programs are designed to maximise every patient's ability to reach optimal levels of function and independence, participate in activities of daily living and will often involve their family and friends.

Physiotherapy programs

A physiotherapy program for people with a spinal cord lesion admitted to the QSCIS involves:

  1. Assessment of key impairments & their severity, activity limitations and participation restrictions
  2. Setting jointly agreed goals to address these limitations and restrictions
  3. Identifying, developing and administering treatments
  4. Measuring outcomes and success

Physiotherapy interventions

Physiotherapy interventions are most effective in the management of impairments that are directly or indirectly related to physical impairments involving motor and sensory loss. This includes the following areas:

    • Respiratory
    • Skin
    • Neurological
    • Tone/spasm
    • Joint range of motion
    • Strength & Fitness training
    • Balance
    • Posture
    • Functional skills such as bed mobility, transfers etc
    • Mobility - in a wheelchair, walking etc
    • Assessment of equipment needs & prescription i.e. wheelchairs, cushions, exercise equipment, walking aids etc
    • Education provision
    • Discharge Planning

How we work with you

A physiotherapist is assigned to each person who is admitted to the Spinal Injuries Unit. Physiotherapy treatment programs are individualised to meet patient goals following a thorough assessment.  Treatment programs are reviewed and changed regularly. Every patient is actively involved in decisions relating to their treatment program as we work towards achieving everyone's goals. If you have questions about your treatment program, it is important that you ask.

A remote call service is provided to the hospital including the Spinal Injuries Unit to address acute issues such as respiratory compromise. This service operates between the hours of 5.30pm and 8am and is arranged by either the treating physiotherapist or the ward or medical registrar if the need arises after hours.

For information related to other Physiotherapy services in QSCIS please see the following links:

  1. Transitional Rehabilitation Program (TRP)
  2. Spinal Outreach Team (SPOT)

Photo of physiotherapist
Photo of SIU team
Photo of car transfer
Photo of team meeting
Photo of SIU ward

Last updated: 12 April 2021