About the Spinal Injuries Unit
Our mission
To provide a state-wide service that enables people with spinal cord injury to achieve their maximum potential.
Spinal cord injuries in Queensland
There are approximately 90 people in Queensland each year, who will suffer spinal cord injuries (SCI).
This may be due to accident or other trauma or because of medical illness or disease. At present, there is no cure for SCI and these injuries often result in serious permanent disability. Most people with serious SCI need to come to the Spinal Injuries Unit (SIU) in Brisbane for treatment and rehabilitation.
Who are we?
The Spinal Injuries Unit (SIU) is a 40 bed unit and the only specialist spinal injuries rehabilitation unit in QLD. Most people with serious spinal cord injury need to come to the SIU in Brisbane for treatment and rehabilitation. We offer both acute and rehabilitation services.
The SIU is part of the Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Services (QSCIS) which is also comprised of the Transitional Rehabilitation Program (TRP) and Spinal Outreach Team (SPOT). We are located at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in close proximity to all other acute medical services that are required to successfully care for a person with spinal cord injury.
Our purpose is to enable people with spinal cord injuries to achieve their maximum potential. We aim to individualise your rehabilitation program to achieve the best possible outcomes with you.
Who Can Use Our Service?
Adults over the age of 16 and
- have suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury or
- have a medical condition which has resulted in spinal cord impairment or
- have had a previous spinal cord injury who develop complications that require specialist treatment
Acute referrals to the Spinal Injuries Unit (new patients) require referral by the treating consultant.
The Spinal Injuries Unit Acute Patient Referral Form can be obtained by :
Visiting the Spinal Injuries Unit Queensland Health Intranet Website (this will be visible only if you are accessing this page within Queensland Health's network) OR
Contacting the Spinal Injuries Unit Office Manager on Ph: +61 7 3176 5061 or by e-mail SIU referrals only.