What are inhalants
Inhalants are products that create chemical fumes or vapours when a person breathes them in.
Inhalants include common products such as glue, deodorant and petrol. Using inhalants is known as ‘sniffing’, ‘huffing’ or ‘chroming’.
Inhalants are depressant drugs because they can slow down how the brain and the body functions.
Using inhalants is dangerous. Young people have a higher risk of harm from inhalant misuse.
Learn more about inhalants, how they are used and their effects on the Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support website.
Goals and background to the roundtable
The inhalants roundtable was held in December 2019. It aimed to help us better understand the issues around inhalant misuse and improve how we respond to them. Chaired by the Chief Health Officer, over 40 organisations took part including:
- state and federal government departments
- retailers and manufacturers who sell or make products that can be used as an inhalant
- youth health representatives
- police.
The main goals of the roundtable were to:
- get expert insight into inhalant misuse from relevant organisations and peak bodies
- identify ways to improve how we respond to inhalant misuse in our communities.
Why it’s important
Inhalant misuse is a complex social issue. While use is often episodic, some people can experience short term harms or develop longer term problems. Many young people who use inhalants have other social needs or issues. The Youth Needs Census – Queensland found that young people who engage in alcohol and other drug treatment had also:
- faced high rates of family conflict
- been disengaged from school or were unemployed
- experienced mental illness or trauma.
Read more in the Youth Need Census – Queensland report on the Insight- Dovetail website.
Summary and response |
Our goal is to reduce the harm caused by inhalants and support our communities. We identified the following areas to improve our response to inhalant misuse.
Read the Summary of the inhalants roundtable (PDF 198 kB) to learn more. Guidance for health professionals and retailersIf you’re a health professional, you can access the inhalant misuse resources and training on the Insight - Dovetail website including:
There are also resources for retailers and shop owners about managing products that can be used as inhalants. |
Help and support
If you're concerned about your own or someone else's substance use, call Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support on 1800 177 833. You can also visit their website for more information or to chat with a counsellor online.