What we do

The Department of Health is responsible for the overall management of the public health system in Queensland, including monitoring the performance of Hospital and Health Services.

Clinical Excellence Queensland, Clinical Planning and Service Strategy Division and eHealth Queensland each have teams focused on supporting the delivery of safe, quality, evidence-based mental health, alcohol and other drug services.

Clinical Excellence Queensland

Clinical Excellence Queensland (CEQ) works in partnership across the health system to help drive continuous improvement in consumer care, promote and spread innovation, and create a culture of service excellence.

Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch

The Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch’s mission is to:

  • protect the rights of all Queenslanders and their ability to access sustainable, reliable and integrated care
  • equip services with the tools they need to do their job
  • enable effective organisational structures, leadership and culture.

We do this by setting standards and assuring against these, carrying out statutory functions, supporting innovation and its implementation, and facilitating continuous learning and improvement.

Analytics, Improvement and Transformation Unit

Enables contemporary mental health, alcohol and other drugs healthcare through integrated information, facilitating data-driven insights and decision-making, and digital healthcare innovation.

Office of the Chief Psychiatrist

The Office of the Chief Psychiatrist (the Office) strives to improve outcomes and promote recovery for people with substance use disorders and other mental and behavioural disorders. It provides support, advice and direction to mental health, alcohol and other drug services in providing clinical care and facilitates and supports the statutory functions of the Chief Psychiatrist under the Mental Health Act 2016.

The Office initiates and supports statewide planning, policy and systems development, including safety and quality improvement efforts within the mental health, alcohol and other drug service system. The Office includes the Legislation Unit, the Clinical Governance Unit and the Legislative Projects Unit.

Learn more about the responsibilities, functions and powers of the Chief Psychiatrist.

Office of the Executive Director

Provides administration support, coordination and advice to the Executive Director, Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch and facilitates system reform under Better Care Together, a plan for Queensland’s state-funded mental health, alcohol and other drug services to 2027 through the Better Care Together Project Management Office.

Contact the Office of the Executive Director.

For help and advice about the Mental Health Act 2016, contact the Mental Health Act liaison service.

Clinical Planning and Service Strategy Division

Clinical Planning and Service Strategy Division is responsible for delivering clinical service and workforce strategy and planning, and precision medicine and research functions to improve health services available to the Queensland community.

Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategy and Planning Branch

The Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategy and Planning Branch supports the delivery of contemporary, high quality services in the State-funded mental health alcohol and other drug system through state-wide planning, system strategy and redesign, development of evidence-based models of service and program implementation.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategy and Partnerships Unit

Provides strategic leadership in the development, delivery and evaluation of state-wide alcohol and other drug treatment and harm reduction service system strategy and policy through partnership and collaboration.

Children and Young People MHAOD Strategy and Partnerships Unit

Provides strategic leadership in the development, delivery and evaluation of mental health alcohol and other drug state-wide service strategy and policy through partnerships and collaboration with a focus on children and young people.

Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Planning Unit

The MHAOD Planning Unit leads the development, implementation and management of the state-wide service and infrastructure planning and system redesign of mental health and alcohol and other drug services in Queensland in alignment with national and state planning and strategic frameworks.

Mental Health Strategy and Partnerships Unit

Provides strategic leadership in the development, delivery and evaluation of mental health alcohol and other drug state-wide service strategy and policy through partnerships and collaboration with a focus on adults.

Email MHAOD-SPB-Corro@health.qld.gov.au to contact the Strategy and Planning Branch.

eHealth Queensland

eHealth Queensland enables the delivery of health services to the community by supporting the information technology needs of the state’s 16 Hospital and Health Services and the Department of Health.

The key functions of eHealth Queensland are to:

  • Develop and provide advice on statewide eHealth innovation, strategy, planning, standards, architecture and governance.
  • Deliver clinical, corporate and infrastructure ICT programs in line with the eHealth Queensland vision and investment priorities.
  • Provide modern ICT infrastructure and customer support for desktop, mobile, smart devices, telehealth, data centres, network and security.

Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Clinical System Support Team

The Clinical System Support Team in the Digital Health Branch supports the optimisation and ongoing development of the Consumer Integrated Mental Health and Addiction (CIMHA) application, the statewide clinical information system for Queensland Health’s mental health alcohol and other drug services.

Email CIMHA@health.qld.gov.au for information about the CIMHA clinical information system.

Help and support for clients, consumers and carers

Find information on improving your wellbeing and seeking mental health support

If you're concerned about your own or someone else’s alcohol and other drug use, find help and support on the Queensland Government website

Last updated: 17 October 2024