The Consumer Integrated Mental Health and Addiction (CIMHA) application is a consumer-centric clinical information system that supports clinicians in providing safe and quality mental health and alcohol and other drug services.
For the purposes of the Mental Health Act 2016, the CIMHA application is the designated patient record which enables information in relation to a person’s assessment, treatment and care in an authorised mental health service (AMHS) to be managed and viewed in one location.
This information comprises data and documents, including forms, clinical notes, clinical reports, medico-legal documents and administrative information.
AMHS administrators must ensure that CIMHA data entry relevant to the assessment, treatment and care of patients under the Mental Health Act 2016 is accurate and up to date.
When to use CIMHA
Documenting information in CIMHA is mandatory for AMHSs, authorised mental health practitioners, authorised doctors, AMHS administrators and staff.
The level of access a staff member is granted to CIMHA must be in accordance with the staff member's role and functions, and the relevant information security classifications and levels.
AMHS administrators must ensure that all relevant staff are trained and competent in the use of CIMHA.
The Office of the Chief Psychiatrist undertakes regular data quality activities with AMHSs as part of compliance mechanisms to ensure the accuracy and consistency of data in CIMHA.
Record management policy
The Chief Psychiatrist's patient record policy sets out the requirements for using CIMHA for AMHSs.
Learn more about record management and information sharing and read the patient records policy
Help and training
If you work for Queensland Health, you can find training resources for CIMHA on QHEPS.
If you're a private authorised mental health service you can find the resources on the AMHS portal.
If you work outside Queensland Health, email CIMHA@health.qld.gov.au for more information about CIMHA.