This interactive flowchart is part of the absent without approval (AWA) pathway. It forms part of Action 1 of the Absent without approval (AWA) pathway flowchart (PDF 299 kB).
The interactive flowchart aligns with the Chief Psychiatrist's policies for transport, transfers and managing involuntary patient absences and the Mental Health Act 2016.
This interactive flowchart is a guide only. If you're unsure how best to support the return of a patient, contact your authorised mental health service (AMHS) administrator for advice.
Use the interactive flowchart
Question Id (Enter as a capital Q and a number no spaces) | Question or Statement | Response | Go to Question or Outcome (based on response selected) |
Q1 |
Is the person currently (or about to be) subject to the classified patient (voluntary) or classified patient (involuntary) status? | Yes | Q2 |
No | Q6 | ||
Q2 |
Did they abscond whilst detained in the inpatient unit? | Yes | Outcome1a |
No | Q3 | ||
Q3 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported? For example, were they going:
| Yes | Outcome2a |
No | Q4 | ||
Q4 |
Did they abscond whilst accessing escorted on-ground limited community treatment? | Yes | Outcome1a |
No | Q5 | ||
Q5 |
Did they abscond or fail to return whilst accessing a temporary absence approved by the Chief Psychiatrist? | Yes | Outcome3a |
No | Outcome0e | ||
Q6 |
Are they subject to any of the following orders or authorities?
| Forensic order | Q7 |
Treatment support order | Q17 | ||
Treatment authority | Q26 | ||
None of these | Q36 | ||
Q7 |
What's the current category of the absent person's forensic order? | Inpatient | Q8 |
Community | Q14 | ||
Q8 |
Was it recently changed to 'inpatient' (from the 'community' category) whilst they weren't in an authorised mental health service? For example, because the person now needs to be detained in an authorised mental health service for treatment and care. | Yes | Outcome4a |
No | Q9 | ||
Q9 |
Did they abscond whilst detained in the inpatient unit? | Yes | Outcome1b |
No | Q10 | ||
Q10 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported? | Yes | Outcome2b |
No | Q11 | ||
Q11 |
Did they abscond or fail to return whilst accessing limited community treatment? | Yes | Q12 |
No | Q13 | ||
Q12 |
Was it supervised or unsupervised limited community treatment? | Supervised | Outcome3b |
Unsupervised | Outcome3e | ||
Q13 |
Did they abscond or fail to return whilst accessing a temporary absence approved by the Chief Psychiatrist? | Yes | Outcome3h |
No | Outcome0f | ||
Q14 |
Did they fail to attend an examination as directed by either the:
| Yes | Outcome5a |
No | Q15 | ||
Q15 |
Did they fail to attend an authorised mental health service or public sector health service facility as required for treatment? For example, they've failed to attend after breaching a condition of their forensic order–such as:
| Yes | Outcome5e |
No | Q16 | ||
Q16 |
Is their forensic order going to be amended to 'inpatient' category, whilst they're not currently in an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome4a |
No | Outcome0f | ||
Q17 |
What's the current category of the absent person's treatment support order? | Inpatient | Q18 |
Community | Q23 | ||
Q18 |
Was it recently changed to 'inpatient' (from the 'community' category) whilst they weren't in an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome4b |
No | Q19 | ||
Q19 |
Did they abscond whilst detained in the inpatient unit? | Yes | Outcome1c |
No | Q20 | ||
Q20 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported? | Yes | Outcome2c |
No | Q21 | ||
Q21 |
Did they abscond or fail to return whilst accessing limited community treatment? | Yes | Q22 |
No | Outcome0g | ||
Q22 |
Was it supervised or unsupervised limited community treatment? | Supervised | Outcome3c |
Unsupervised | Outcome3f | ||
Q23 |
Did they fail to attend an examination as directed by either the:
| Yes | Outcome5b |
No | Q24 | ||
Q24 |
Did they fail to attend an authorised mental health service or public sector health service facility as required for treatment? For example, they've failed to attend after breaching a condition of their treatment support order–such as:
| Yes | Outcome5f |
No | Q25 | ||
Q25 |
Is their treatment support order going to be amended to 'inpatient' category, whilst they're not currently in an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome4b |
No | Outcome0g | ||
Q26 |
What's the current category of the absent person's treatment authority? | Inpatient | Q27 |
Community | Q32 | ||
Q27 |
Was it recently changed to 'inpatient' (from the 'community' category) whilst they weren't in an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome4c |
No | Q28 | ||
Q28 |
Did they abscond whilst detained in the inpatient unit? | Yes | Outcome1d |
No | Q29 | ||
Q29 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported? | Yes | Outcome2d |
No | Q30 | ||
Q30 |
Did they abscond or fail to return whilst accessing limited community treatment? | Yes | Q31 |
No | Outcome0h | ||
Q31 |
Was it supervised or unsupervised limited community treatment? | Supervised | Outcome3d |
Unsupervised | Outcome3g | ||
Q32 |
Did they fail to attend an examination as directed by either the:
| Yes | Outcome5c |
No | Q33 | ||
Q33 |
Did they fail to attend an authorised mental health service for a review by an authorised psychiatrist (required within 3 days if an authorised doctor made their treatment authority)? | Yes | Outcome5c |
No | Q34 | ||
Q34 |
Did they fail to attend an authorised mental health service or public sector health service facility as required for treatment? For example, they've failed to attend after breaching a condition of their treatment authority–such as complying with all follow up appointments and prescribed treatment. | Yes | Outcome5g |
No | Q35 | ||
Q35 |
Is their treatment authority going to be amended to 'inpatient' category, whilst they're not currently in an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome4c |
No | Outcome0h | ||
Q36 |
Are they subject to any of the following orders or authorities?
| Examination authority | Q37 |
Recommendation for assessment | Q39 | ||
Interstate mental health order | Q47 | ||
Judicial order | Q41 | ||
None of these | Q52 | ||
Q37 |
Did they abscond whilst detained for an examination? | Yes | Outcome1g |
No | Q38 | ||
Q38 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported for an examination? | Yes | Outcome2f |
No | Outcome0b | ||
Q39 |
Did they abscond whilst detained for an assessment? | Yes | Outcome1h |
No | Q40 | ||
Q40 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported for an assessment? | Yes | Outcome2g |
No | Outcome0c | ||
Q41 |
Did they abscond whilst detained? | Yes | Q42 |
No | Q43 | ||
Q42 |
Is the judicial order a court examination order or examination order? | Court examination order | Outcome1e |
Examination order | Outcome1f | ||
Neither of these | Outcome1e | ||
Q43 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported? | Yes | Outcome2e |
No | Q44 | ||
Q44 |
Did they abscond whilst accessing escorted on-ground limited community treatment? | Yes | Outcome1e |
No | Q45 | ||
Q45 |
Did they abscond or fail to return whilst accessing a temporary absence approved by the Chief Psychiatrist? | Yes | Outcome3i |
No | Q46 | ||
Q46 |
Did they fail to attend an authorised mental health service or public sector health service facility as ordered by a court? | Yes | Outcome5d |
No | Outcome0d | ||
Q47 |
Which of the following scenarios apply to their detention–
| Arranging their return | Q48 |
Arranging an assessment | Q50 | ||
None of these | Outcome0i | ||
Q48 |
Did they abscond whilst detained in an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome1i |
No | Q49 | ||
Q49 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported to (or from) an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome2h |
No | Outcome0i | ||
Q50 |
Did they abscond whilst detained in an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome1j |
No | Q51 | ||
Q51 |
Did they abscond being transported to (or from) an authorised mental health service? | Yes | Outcome2i |
No | Outcome0i | ||
Q52 |
Do either of the following scenarios apply to them–
| Assessment required | Q53 |
Examination required | Q55 | ||
None of these | Outcome0a | ||
Q53 |
Did they abscond whilst detained for an assessment? | Yes | Outcome1k |
No | Q54 | ||
Q54 |
Did they abscond whilst being transported for an assessment? | Yes | Outcome2i |
No | Outcome0a | ||
Q55 |
Did they fail to attend for an examination? | Yes | Outcome5h |
No | Outcome0a |
Outcome0a - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (general)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need help?
You can contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate for more information, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome0b - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (EAs)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need to transport someone under an examination authority?
An examination authority already gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form.
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the examination authority.
Need help?
- read the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Examination authorities (PDF 290 kB) (opens in new window).
- contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome0c - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (RfA's)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need to transport someone under a recommendation for assessment?
A recommendation for assessment already gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form.
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the recommendation for assessment.
Need help?
- read the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Examination and assessment (PDF 462 kB) (opens in new window).
- contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome0d - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (judicial orders)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need to transport someone under a judicial order?
A judicial order already gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form.
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the judicial order.
Need help?
- read the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Judicial orders (examination orders, court examination orders and other judicial orders) (PDF 201 kB) (opens in new window).
- contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome0e - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (classified patients)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need to transport a classified patient or person in custody?
The Mental Health Act 2016 gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form.
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the relevant form–for example, a Transfer recommendation (classified patient) form.
Need help?
- read the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Classified patients (PDF 338 kB) (opens in new window).
- contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome0f - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (forensic orders)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need to transport someone under a forensic order?
The Mental Health Act 2016 gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form.
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the relevant form (if any)–for example, a Patient transport form.
Need help?
- read the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Transfers and transport (PDF 7835 kB) (opens in new window).
- contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome0g - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (treatment support orders)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need to transport someone under a treatment support order?
The Mental Health Act 2016 gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form.
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the relevant form (if any)–for example, a Patient transport form.
Need help?
- read the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Transfers and transport (PDF 7835 kB) (opens in new window).
- contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome0h - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (treatment authorities)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need to transport someone under a treatment authority?
The Mental Health Act 2016 gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form.
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the relevant form (if any)–for example, a Patient transport form.
Need help?
- read the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Transfers and transport (PDF 7835 kB) (opens in new window).
- contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome0i - doesn't appear to meet s 363 criteria (interstate mental health)
They don't seem to be 'absent without approval'
The person's absence doesn't appear to meet the scenarios listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval.
Need to transport someone to (or from) an interstate mental health service?
The Mental Health Act 2016 gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form.
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the relevant document (if any)–for example:
- the Mental Health Review Tribunal's Application for approval to transfer into or out of Queensland form
- an interstate apprehension authority (under interstate mental health legislation).
Need help?
- read the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Transfers and transport (PDF 7835 kB) (opens in new window).
- contact your Authorised Mental Health Service Administrator Delegate, see QHEPS (opens in new window) for contact information.
Outcome1a - classified patients
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: classified patient
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–inpatient mental health unit
You should call Triple Zero (000)
Ask for police and advise them that the absent person is subject to the classified patient status.
Ensure that they understand a classified patient is a person in custody (in prison or a watch-house), admitted to the inpatient unit because they are acutely unwell and require an assessment or treatment for mental illness.
Next steps
Notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval and that you have called Triple Zero (000).
Then start preparing an authority to transport absent person form for emergency services.
Outcome1b - forensic order
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: forensic order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–inpatient mental health unit
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1c - treatment support order
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment support order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–inpatient mental health unit
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1d - treatment authority
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment authority
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–inpatient mental health unit
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1e - judicial orders (except examination orders)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: judicial order (including examination order)
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–inpatient mental health unit
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1f - examination orders
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: judicial order (including examination order)
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1g - examination authorities
They could be considered absent without approval
The person's absence meets a scenario listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval. However, you don't necessarily need to complete an Authority to transport absent person form (ATAP) because you already have powers to detain and transport the person (as they were detained for the purposes of making a recommendation for assessment).
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form and note that the person was detained for the purposes of making a recommendation for assessment.
For more information, read section 1.5 (Detention for the purpose of making a recommendation for assessment) of the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Examination and assessment (PDF 462 kB) (opens in new window).
If you're still continuing with an ATAP on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: detained for purposes of making recommendation
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded)
Make sure you record the date that they absconded whilst detained, because an ATAP form is only in force for the 3 calendar days immediately after this date.
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1h - recommendation for assessments
They could be considered absent without approval
The person's absence meets a scenario listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval. However, a recommendation for assessment already gives you various powers for detaining and transporting them which don't require an Authority to transport absent person form (ATAP).
Also, if you require police assistance you can send Queensland Police Service a completed Request for police assistance form with a copy of the recommendation for assessment.
For more information, read section 2 (Assessment under a recommendation for assessment) of the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Examination and assessment (PDF 462 kB) (opens in new window).
If you're still continuing with an ATAP on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: detained under a recommendation for assessment
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded)
Make sure you record the date that they absconded whilst detained, because an ATAP form is only in force for the 3 calendar days immediately after this date.
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1i - interstate (returns)
They could be considered absent without approval
The person's absence meets a scenario listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval. However, you might not need to complete an Authority to transport absent person form (ATAP) if the person is subject to an interstate apprehension authority.
For more information, read section 5.4 (Returning absent interstate mental health patients in Queensland) of the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Transfers and transport (PDF 7835 kB) (opens in new window).
If you're still continuing with an ATAP on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: (leave blank)
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1j - interstate (receiving/assessments)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: detained for purposes of making recommendation
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome1k - non-MHA
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form (ATAP) on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: detained for purposes of making recommendation
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded)
Make sure you record the date that they absconded whilst detained, because an ATAP form is only in force for the 3 calendar days immediately after this date.
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome2a - classified patient
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: classified patient
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
You should call Triple Zero (000)
Ask for police and advise them that the absent person is subject to the classified patient status.
Ensure that they understand a classified patient is a person in custody (in prison or a watch-house), admitted to the inpatient unit because they are acutely unwell and require an assessment or treatment for mental illness.
Next steps
Notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval and that you have called Triple Zero (000).
Then start preparing an authority to transport absent person form for emergency services.
Outcome2b - forensic order
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: forensic order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome2c - treatment support order
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment support order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome2d - treatment authority
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment authority
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome2e - judicial order
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: judicial order (including examination order)
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome2f - examination authority
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form (ATAP) on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: detained for purposes of making recommendation
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
Make sure you record the date that they absconded whilst detained, because an ATAP form is only in force for the 3 calendar days immediately after this date.
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome2g - recommendation for assessment
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form (ATAP) on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: detained under a recommendation for assessment
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
Make sure you record the date that they absconded whilst detained, because an ATAP form is only in force for the 3 calendar days immediately after this date.
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome2h - interstate mental health order (and being returned to interstate)
They could be considered absent without approval
The person's absence meets a scenario listed in the Mental Health Act 2016, for when someone is absent without approval. However, you might not need to complete an Authority to transport absent person form (ATAP) if the person is subject to an interstate apprehension authority.
For more information, read section 5.4 (Returning absent interstate mental health patients in Queensland) of the Chief Psychiatrist policy for Transfers and transport (PDF 7835 kB) (opens in new window).
If you're still continuing with an ATAP on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: (leave blank)
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome2i - not under the MHA2016 (scenarios for examination), or interstate mental health order (received/assessed here)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: detained for purposes of making recommendation
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention–while being transported
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome3a - classified patient (temp absences)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: classified patient
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded whilst accessing their temporary absence)
You should call Triple Zero (000)
Ask for police and advise them that the absent person is subject to the classified patient status.
Ensure that they understand a classified patient is a person in custody (in prison or a watch-house), admitted to the inpatient unit because they are acutely unwell and require an assessment or treatment for mental illness.
Next steps
Notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval and that you have called Triple Zero (000).
Then start preparing an authority to transport absent person form for emergency services.
Outcome3b - forensic order (supervised LCT)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: forensic order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded whilst supervised)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome3c - treatment support order (supervised LCT)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment support order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded whilst supervised)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome3d - treatment authority (supervised LCT)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment authority
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: absconded from detention (and select the relevant place where they absconded whilst supervised)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome3e - forensic order (unsupervised LCT)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: forensic order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: failed to/required to return from–limited community treatment (inpatient)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome3f - treatment support order (unsupervised LCT)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment support order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: failed to/required to return from–limited community treatment (inpatient)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome3g - treatment authority (unsupervised LCT)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment authority
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: failed to/required to return from–limited community treatment (inpatient)
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome3h - forensic order (temp absence)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: forensic order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: failed to/required to return from–approved temporary absence
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome3i - judicial order (temp absence)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: judicial order
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: failed to/required to return from–approved temporary absence
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome4a - forensic order
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: forensic order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: community patient–category of order / authority changed to inpatient
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome4b - treatment support order
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment support order
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: community patient–category of order / authority changed to inpatient
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome4c - treatment authority
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment authority
- Category (if applicable): inpatient
- Reason for absence: community patient–category of order / authority changed to inpatient
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome5a - forensic order (community)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: forensic order
- Category (if applicable): community
- Reason for absence: community patient–failed to attend appointment as required
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome5b - treatment support order (community)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment support order
- Category (if applicable): community
- Reason for absence: community patient–failed to attend appointment as required
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome5c - treatment authority (community)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment authority
- Category (if applicable): community
- Reason for absence: community patient–failed to attend appointment as required
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome5d - judicial orders
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: judicial order (including examination order)
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: community patient–failed to attend appointment as required
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome5e - forensic order (community)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: forensic order
- Category (if applicable): community
- Reason for absence: community patient–failed to attend appointment as required
Remember, you don't need to change their category to 'inpatient' to authorise their return.
If they only require short-term treatment when returned (for example, administering medication with no overnight admission), then they can remain on the 'community' category.
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome5f - treatment support order (community)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment support order
- Category (if applicable): community
- Reason for absence: community patient–failed to attend appointment as required
Remember, you don't need to change their category to 'inpatient' to authorise their return.
If they only require short-term treatment when returned (for example, administering medication with no overnight admission), then they can remain on the 'community' category.
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome5g - treatment authority (community)
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 (some of it may automatically appear on the form)–
- Relevant order/authority: treatment authority
- Category (if applicable): community
- Reason for absence: community patient–failed to attend appointment as required
Remember, you don't need to change their category to 'inpatient' to authorise their return.
If they only require short-term treatment when returned (for example, administering medication with no overnight admission), then they can remain on the 'community' category.
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.
Outcome5h - not under MHA
They're absent without approval
When you're completing an Authority to transport absent person form on CIMHA, make sure it notes the following information in section 3 of the form–
- Relevant order/authority: detained for purposes of making recommendation
- Category (if applicable): (leave blank)
- Reason for absence: community patient–failed to attend appointment as required
Next steps
Immediately notify the treating (or on-call) psychiatrist that the person is absent without approval.
You'll then need to undertake an initial assessment of urgency.