About the elearning courses

Clinicians must complete elearning courses about the Mental Health Act 2016 to become 'authorised' if they want to perform certain functions or use a power under the Mental Health Act 2016.

This is because authorised doctors and authorised mental health practitioners (AMHPs) can exercise significant powers and functions which impact on the rights of individuals.

The elearning courses make sure clinicians have the knowledge and skills required for the proper and effective administration of the Mental Health Act 2016 to ensure the protection of individual rights, and patient, carer and wider community confidence in the system of care.

Authorised doctors, authorised psychiatrists and AMHPs are appointed by an AMHS administrator.

Read the Chief Psychiatrist's policy for the Appointment of authorised doctors and AMHPs to learn more.

The elearning courses include education and assessments on the main functions and powers of the Mental Health Act 2016 including:

  • objects and principles
  • treatment criteria and the 'less restrictive way' of treatment
  • examinations and recommendations for assessment
  • treatment and care of involuntary patients
  • restrictive practices including seclusion and restraint
  • patient rights and confidentiality
  • searches
  • transportation.

The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning (learning centre) is a Queensland Health training provider that offers the courses.

The Mental Health Act 2016 courses are free.

Learn more about The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning on their website.

The learning centre also offers mental health, alcohol and other drugs education programs for mental health professionals including face to face learning.

Who must take the courses

The following staff must complete the online elearning courses.

  • Authorised doctors and authorised psychiatrists
  • Authorised mental health practitioners (AMHPs)

Refresher training must be completed every 2 years by doctors, psychiatrists and authorised mental health practitioners who want to keep their appointment as an authorised doctor, authorised psychiatrist or authorised mental health practitioners.

There are different courses available for different types of staff.

Read the Table of required Mental Health Act 2016 elearning course modules to learn what modules staff must take.

While not mandatory, other Queensland Health staff, including ambulance officers, or private mental health providers can also take the courses.

We recommend anyone involved in providing treatment and care for patients under the Mental Health Act 2016 take the courses.

Authorised doctor and psychiatrist course

The Mental Health Act 2016 - Authorised Doctors course is for doctors or psychiatrists who want to be appointed as an authorised doctor or authorised psychiatrist. An authorised psychiatrist means an authorised doctor who is a psychiatrist.

The course includes 13 modules and is self-paced. It takes around 9 hours to complete.

It focuses on the main skills and knowledge needed to be an authorised doctor or authorised psychiatrist.

Each module includes an assessment that doctors and psychiatrists must successfully pass to be considered competent and eligible for appointment. The course code is MHA2016AD.

Log in to the learning centre to enrol in the course

Authorised mental health practitioner (AMHP) course

The Mental Health Act 2016 - Authorised mental health practitioners course is for health practitioners who want to be appointed as an AMHP.

The course includes 8 mandatory modules and is self-paced. It takes around 6 hours to complete.

Each module includes an assessment that health practitioners must successfully pass to be considered competent and eligible for appointment as an AMHP.

There are also an additional 5 optional modules for specialised learning.  The course code is MHA2016AMHP.

Log in to the learning centre to enrol in the course

Refresher course

Authorised doctors, authorised psychiatrists and authorised mental health practitioners must complete mandatory refresher training every 2 years to maintain their appointment.

The course is designed to refresh staff competence in understanding and complying with the Mental Health Act 2016.

It includes an assessment that authorised doctors, authorised psychiatrists and authorised mental health practitioners must pass to continue their appointment.

It takes around 3.5 hours to complete.

Log in to the learning centre to enrol in the course

How to enrol

You need an account to enrol and access the courses.

The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning manages access and accounts.

If you need help accessing your account contact the learning centre or view their FAQs and help information.

Queensland Health staff

You can sign up or log in on The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning website.

Use your Queensland Health or Queensland Ambulance Service email address.

Private authorised mental health service staff

If you work at a private authorised mental health service, use your work email to sign up or log in on The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning website.

If you don’t have an account or need help accessing your account, contact your manager or email qcmhlit@health.qld.gov.au.

Public and non-Queensland Health staff access

If you’re not a Queensland Health or Queensland Ambulance Service staff member, you can apply for access. This includes:

  • education or non-government organisations
  • members of the public.

Email qcmhlit@health.qld.gov.au to apply. The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning will contact you to confirm your access.

Help and support

Email qcmhlit@health.qld.gov.au for more information or if you have any questions about the elearning requirements.

Last updated: 5 September 2024