Staff immunisation
If you work with children, immunisation not only helps protect the young children you care for from illness, but also yourself and your family.
Read the list of recommended immunisations for:
- child care and pre-school staff
- trainees
- outside school hours carers.
When arranging your immunisations, you will need to:
- obtain an immunisation history record
- a record of your vaccination status may need to be provided to your employer when you start work in an early childhood service
- ask your employer about their immunisation policy
- they may subsidise or pay for staff immunisations, or you may be able to claim the cost as a tax deduction
- contact your local doctor, immunisation nurse or public health unit for information or advice on updating vaccinations.
If you choose not to be immunised and are exposed to disease, you will need to be treated and/or be excluded from the workplace for a set period of time. Let your employer know if you choose not to be immunised.