Applying to conduct research

To conduct research with us, you are required to complete a Research application form (DOC) OR the Application for services form.

Submit the Research application OR Application for services form, together with your research proposal, to Pathology Queensland's Client Services at

You will be provided with:

  • a quote, if required
  • a laboratory declaration if applying for pathology support

Conflicts of interest

When applying to conduct research using the Research application or the Application for services form, researchers are required to declare any conflicts of interest. All Pathology Queensland employees are required to abide by the Queensland Health Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service, putting the public interest first by carrying out their duties in a fair and unbiased manner, within established ethical frameworks, and identifying and managing any actual, perceived (apparent) or potential conflicts of interest.

In performing their roles, all employees are expected to make decisions that are not affected by self-interest or personal gain. Employees are individually responsible for arranging their private affairs as far as reasonably possible to prevent conflicts of interest arising.

Pathology Queensland is committed to ensuring conflicts of interest that could now, or in the future, be seen as influencing the performance of duties and outcomes of processes, are identified, disclosed and managed in a transparent and accountable manner and in favour of the public interest. The Queensland Health Conflict of interest guideline is to be read in conjunction with the Code of Conduct and the Workplace conduct and ethics HR policy E1.

Last updated: 21 April 2021