Central pathology laboratory (Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital)
Laboratory service: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Phlebotomy service (blood collection): Monday–Friday 7.30am–5pm, weekends 7.30am–11.30am, closed public holidays
Specialist collections available
- paediatrics/children
- hydrogen breath tests (fructose, lactose and glucose)
- sweat test
- dexamethasone
Phone +61 7 3646 3636
Fax +61 7 3646 6160
Location—Herston Hospital Campus, Level 4, Block 7, Herston Road, Herston
Postal address—Pathology Queensland Central laboratory, Level 5 Block 7, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, 40 Butterfield Street, Herston Qld 4029
Lab management
A/Operations Manager, Glen Lawrence
Consultant pathologists
Anatomical Pathology and Cytopathology
- G Lampe (Statewide Director)
- M Cummings (Director)
- T Robertson
- L Francis
- D James
- F Malczewski
- D Payton
- L Nandakumar
- M Singh
- M Wong
- L Naughton
- A Stewart
- M Cummings
- T Taheri
- J Davies
- F Tang
- C Gallivan
- V Vyas
- K Iyengar
- B Scurry
Chemical Pathology
- K Ungerer (Director)
- C Pretorius
- U Wilgen
- J McGill
- G Corboy (Director)
- B Williams
- S Brown
- N Raju
- J Perel
- L Seymour
- J Roy
- D Gillis (Director)
- R Wong
- A Kodituwakku
- L Droney
- C Heney (Statewide Director)
- M Thomas (Director)
- C Coulter (Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases Physician, Director Queensland Mycobacterium Reference Laboratory)
- C Heney
- K McCarthy
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