Water system inventory
An inventory will enhance your flow diagram and supplement the description of your water distribution system. Whether a facility consists of a single building or multiple buildings, or has multiple water sources, an inventory for each building and water source should be prepared.
It is not necessary to identify the location of every tap and shower head etc. but rather to record the numbers of each type of system component in each building. For example, the inventory could record “there are 10 patient showers on level 2 of the main building”.
Sections of the inventory can become out of date, so the inventory should be reviewed and updated regularly.
For specialised system components, additional characteristics of the component should be recorded, such as exact location, make and model, age and type of material. For system components such as thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs), which require regular maintenance at scheduled times, the date of the last service should be recorded.
Photographs of system components (such as specialised plant or equipment) can complement the inventory.
Although staff time is the main cost in compiling the inventory, there are potential savings in early identification of equipment that may need maintenance or fittings and equipment that may not be using water efficiently. Where a facility maintains an asset register this will assist in identifying key system components.
Components to include in the inventory list
The inventory list should include, but not be limited to, the following system components (provided they are part of your facility):
- all buildings
- all water sources
- water point(s) of entry to all buildings
- cooling towers
- fire protection systems (hydrants , fire hoses reels, sprinklers)
- backflow prevention devices
- potable cold water storage tanks
- non-potable/re-use water storage tanks (for example rainwater)
- hot water heaters /systems (central)
- point-of-use water treatment components
- disinfection apparatus/water treatment system components
- filters
- on-line monitoring equipment
- water treatment systems for dialysis or endoscope reprocessing
- heater-cooler devices for surgery
- sterilisers and autoclaves
- X-ray film processing machines
- bedpan washers
- dental water devices
- emergency eye wash stations and / or safety showers
- water softeners
- TMVs, tempering valves
- Showers (fixed and flexible)
- Taps (electronic and manual)
- ice machines, drinking water dispensers, bottled water refill stations
- birthing pools, hydrotherapy pools, swimming pools, spas
- dishwashers
- washing machines
- decorative fountains.
- National risk management plan template (DOC, 164KB) - Table 2 (pages 5 to 6)