Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Division
The Division, led by the Chief Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Officer and Deputy Director-General, works across the health system to improve the health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in Queensland.
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About the Division
The Division works across Queensland Health and with key partners across the State to contribute to positive health outcomes for First Nations peoples.
First Nations Health Equity
A key priority for the Division is to support Queensland Health and Hospital and Health Services achieve Health Equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Closing the Gap
Find out how Queensland Health is working to support the National Close the Gap strategy.
Reframing the Relationship Plan
Strengthening Queensland Health's commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Queensland Health has a Statement of Commitment to Reconciliation to recognise and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Making Tracks
Making Tracks provides the overarching policy directions to guide the Queensland Government's long-term effort towards achieving parity of health outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Queenslanders.
Burden of Disease
The Division recognises the strength and resilience of First Nations peoples while acknowledging the Burden of Disease framework adopted across the health sector to measure and identify health disparities.
Health priorities
There are a number of key health priorities the Division focuses on including cardiac care, maternity services, mental health and STIs.
Cultural Capability
Cultural capability refers to the skills, knowledge, behaviours and systems that are required to plan, support, improve and deliver services in a culturally respectful and appropriate manner.