What we test

We can provide water testing services for private clients; however, most water testing and surveillance requests come from local councils and water regulatory bodies. For information about water quality monitoring and ecosystem health, visit water quality monitoring.

Our laboratories provide a number of different tests depending on the environment and suspected issue.

A standard water analysis test will tell you if the quality of the water is safe for its intended use.

We commonly test:

  • drinking water, including reticulated (town water), bottled, tank and other stored water to ensure suitability for consumption in accordance with the Australian Drinking Water guidelines
  • waste and recycled water for contamination or the presence of pharmaceutical and personal care products and drugs, pesticides and herbicides, radionuclides and toxins
  • pools and spas for bacterial or toxic substances
  • recreational waters such as rivers, lakes, dams and ponds for bacterial, algal and chemical contamination
  • dialysis waters to ensure that renal dialysis water is safe for patient use.

Our on-demand testing complements surveillance testing programs conducted by local councils and owners of public water resources.

We also conduct water testing as part of outbreak investigations resulting from the consumption, ingestion or inhalation of contaminated water analysing: heterotrophic bacteria, indicator bacteria, coliphages, and pathogenic bacteria and protozoa.

Custom testing

Our highly trained staff can provide tailored method development, project testing programs and custom scoping and analysis. Contact us to discuss your needs.

How to engage us

If you have any concerns about the quality of any water source please contact either your local council or water supplier.

For enquiries about water testing please contact our Client Services' team on 1800 000 377.

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Last updated: 6 September 2022