Radiometric analysis
We provide a comprehensive range of analysis and measurement services for radioactive material in solids and sediments, soils, mineral ores, food, air, biota and water to ensure the quality meets requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
We maintain an emergency response radioanalytical capability, and actively collaborate and participate in research and development with our networks to ensure the currency of our skills and capability in radioanalytics.
We maintain, and have access to, a range of specialised instrumentation, sample preparation and sampling equipment including:
- ultra low level, alpha and beta discriminating liquid scintillation analysers
- 30 high resolution alpha spectrometers
- high and low resolution gamma spectrometers
- digital autoradiography system
- specialised sample preparation systems (sample fusion, freeze drying, microwave digestion, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP), selective chromatography)
- ultra-high volume area air samples
- personal dust samplers (total suspended particulate, cascade impactor for particle sizing, radioiodine)
- aerosol spectrometer (10 nm to 35 µm) and dust concentration monitor (10 / 2.5 µm)
- automatic water sampler
- in-situ high and low (including 'down hole') resolution gamma spectrometry
- radon isotope laboratory and field instruments including Rn-222 and Rn-220 calibration chamber and passive dosimetry system
- large area environmental calibration pads
- 8 litre NaI(Tl) detector vehicle mounted gamma radiation mapping system
- access to non-radiometric instrumentation, analytical equipment and techniques.
Radiation Sciences
Phone +61 7 3096 2900
Post PO Box 594, Archerfield Qld 4108
Location 39 Kessels Road, Coopers Plains Qld 4108