Instrument calibrations
Our team is equipped to perform compliance testing and calibration checks on various instruments, ensuring precision and accuracy in your measurements.
Our calibration services include:
Gamma exposure. Traceable to the Australian radiation exposure primary standard (caesium-137 @ 662 keV).
Surface contamination calibration. Traceable to international primary radioactivity standards for:
- Americium-241
- Strontium-90
- Carbon-14
- Caesium-137
- Iodine-129.
Environmental (NORM) calibration. Our facility has five large area calibration pads, collectively utilised in a single calibration session.
Each pad incorporates uranium and thorium, providing a spectrum of air kerma rates ranging from 9 nGy/h to 303 nGy/h. For more information please see our technical document
Submitting an instrument for calibration
If an instrument is not operational, DO NOT send it for assessment. Contact us for advice about repairs to survey meters.
Before sending us instruments, please complete our calibration assessment booking request form (DOCX 56 kB) and send it to us so that we can make a booking for you. If you require calibration for more than two instruments, you can print additional copies of the second page to register them.
To avoid delays, it is important that your completed booking form is emailed to us, or attached to the instrument when delivered.
Instruments can be delivered in person or by courier to:
Radiation Sciences
39 Kessels Road
Coopers Plains Qld 4108
Before packing up your instrument please ensure that you have:
- inserted new or fully charged batteries (batteries must be fully charged for assessment to be performed)
- enclosed the instrument charger (if the instrument has one)
- provided a copy of the instrument's instruction manual if it is available
- provided a copy of the instrument's current assessment certificate (if serviced by another service agent)
Contact us for an obligation-free quote.
Radiation Sciences
Phone +61 7 3096 2900
Post PO Box 594, Archerfield Qld 4108
Location 39 Kessels Road, Coopers Plains Qld 4108