Microbiological testing
The Public Health Microbiology team provides expert scientific knowledge and laboratory investigation for notifiable bacterial pathogens and bacterial or toxin-mediated outbreaks.
We use surveillance and epidemiological data to provide high quality reference and diagnostic services to a wide range of public health and clinical clients investigating bacterial outbreaks.
Our scope can include:
- Food—investigating and surveying the microbiological quality of food including foodborne illnesses, analysing and identifying moulds and detecting foodborne pathogens and their toxins
- Water—investigating water quality and outbreaks from consuming, ingesting or inhaling contaminated water (e.g. drinking, dialysis, swimming and recycled water).
- Molecular epidemiology—genotyping major bacterial pathogens and typing bacteria for identifying and characterising disease outbreaks.
- Leptospirosis—providing expert analysis, advice, diagnostic support and epidemiological data as part of the reference and research laboratory which is part of an international collaborating group.
- Bacterial pathogens—providing a reference and referral service for notifiable bacterial pathogens comprising a number of specialty areas including:
- enteric pathogens
- Group A Streptococci
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Legionellae spp.