Forensic chemical testing

We provide forensic chemistry testing, evidence examination and reporting, oil spill comparisons and illicit drug analysis. We also perform commercial testing for hemp growers, councils, commercial cleaning companies, landlords and real estate agents.

We provide services to a variety of government agencies including the Queensland Police Service (QPS), the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, Australia Border Force, Maritime Safety Queensland, the Australian Federal Police, and Queensland Health (environmental health officers).

Our highly skilled scientists are frequently engaged as expert witnesses, providing expert advice in all levels of court across Queensland.

Illicit drugs

We conduct analytical testing of all suspected drugs seized in Queensland and provide information to law enforcement agencies on emerging drug trends and new drug types, including synthetic 'designer' drugs.

Clandestine drug laboratories

Our expert chemists are on-call to assist the QPS with collecting evidence from chemically hazardous crime scenes and dismantling clandestine drug laboratories.

We conduct analytical testing and provide expert evidence in relation to the illegal production of dangerous drugs.


A commercial service is available to test levels of methamphetamine present in premises where a suspected clandestine laboratory has been located.

Trace evidence

We can provide expert advice in alleged criminal incidents on a range of sample types such as oil spills, lubricants and fibres.

Need more information?

Contact the Client Services and Liaison Unit.

1800 000 377 (Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm)
Post PO Box 594, Archerfield Qld 4108
Location 39 Kessels Road, Coopers Plains Qld 4108

Public Health Property Point (Monday - Friday 7am - 3.30pm)
Forensic Property Point (Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm)

Last updated: 1 February 2018