Health physicists
Our health physicists assess health impacts to the community and environment from sources of radiation. There are certain requirements for employment.
As a health physicist at Forensic and Scientific Services (FSS) your focus will be with radiation protection. You'll assess health impacts to the community and environment from sources of radiation.
There are numerous forms of radiation sources and radioactive materials and potential exposure pathways. Because of this, the tasks you'll undertake in this role are dynamic and broad ranging. You'll have opportunity for growth in knowledge and experience across many scientific disciplines.
Qualification and registration requirements
To practice as a health physicist in Queensland, you must have a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Applied Science. We also value additional studies in health physics such as Masters or PhD but these aren't mandatory.
You'll also need membership with either the:
- Australasian Radiation Protection Society (ARPS)
- South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association (SPERA).
If you're a student and want to become a health physicist you should consider a major in physics or a related discipline.
Our health physicists develop their skills through on-the-job experience and training. They also attend professional development training on an as-needed basis.
We employ health physicists in our radiation testing and consultancy services and advertise our vacancies on Smart Jobs and Seek.
What duties you'll undertake
Working in an FSS role, you'll:
- measure radioactivity concentrations in water, soil, air and biota
- measure and calculate effective doses of radiation to people and biota
- investigate contaminated sites and recommending remediation strategies
- assess mine sites and mineral processing facilities for the impact of naturally occurring radioactive material on workers and the environment
- decontaminate and decommission facilities associated with the use of radioactive substances
- design and test containers to transport radioactive substances
- provide radiation protection training, advice and consultancy
- calibrate radiation survey meters
- participate in research on the measurement and effects of radiation.
More information
Find out more about health physicists and related information on the following websites: