Information for Parents
P.A.R.T.Y. is an injury-prevention program designed to educate adolescents on the consequences of alcohol and risk-related trauma.
The aim is to reduce trauma injuries, disability and death in young people as this age group are grossly overrepresented in injury and trauma statistics. By learning about the consequences of risk-taking behaviour the program enables participants to recognise potential injury-producing situations, make prevention-orientated choices, and adopt behaviours that minimise unnecessary risk.
The program involves a full day excursion to a P.A.R.T.Y. Program Hospital site where participants meet with the health professionals and emergency services personnel (e.g. ambulance officers) involved in trauma.
Participants follow the typical journey of a trauma patient as they visit the clinical areas involved in the management of trauma patients. Depending on the hospital site conducting P.A.R.T.Y. participants may visit the Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, Trauma Ward, Morgue and Allied Health gyms.
Participants can withdraw from attending any of the clinical rotations at any stage throughout the day.