Multicultural Health - Services
There are a number of government and non-government services that can assist health workers to care for patients from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.
Refugee Health Network Queensland
The Refugee Health Network Queensland builds capacity, partnerships and facilitates coordination of care across health, settlement agencies, communities, government and non-government sectors.
The Network's website has an extensive collection of resources on healthcare for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Multicultural Affairs
Multicultural Affairs (MA) is the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs' agency responsible for promoting positive community relations and providing advice on multicultural issues, coordinating multicultural policy development and planning across the Queensland Government.
MA publishes the Queensland Multicultural Resource Directory which provides a comprehensive listing of more than 1500 key organisations with an ethnic community focus in Queensland across health services, aged care, childcare, counselling, refugee services and community groups. You can find additional information:
Humanitarian Settlement Program
The Australian Department of Home Affairs provide an overview of service provider locations for the Humanitarian Settlement Program across all states and territories: