Medical-grade footwear suppliers
A medical grade footwear supplier may be either a medical grade footwear retailer (MGFR) for prefabricated and customised medical grade footwear or a medical grade footwear practitioner (MGFP) for prefabricated, customised and individually custom made medical grade footwear.
Medical-grade footwear (MGF) suppliers approved by the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS) are listed below to assist applicants to arrange an appointment with an approved supplier for a medical prescription and quotation to include with their application.
Approved suppliers in the Brisbane and surrounding areas
Supplier | Retailer / practitioner | Services |
Bespoke Footwear | Practitioner: Barry Beaden |
Brisbane Footwear Services | Practitioner: Ernie Tye |
Classic Shoemakers Ashmore | Practitioner: Elliot Lindsay |
Complete Custom Footwear | Practitioner: Michael Hidding |
Footwear Solutions Acacia Ridge | Practitioner: Glen Willey |
Gold Coast Pedorthics | Retailer: Craig and Linnet Kenna |
Gold Coast Surgical Footwear | Practitioner: Peter Lindsay |
Orthotic Solutions | Practitioner: Clint Nielson |
Stopforth Customised Orthotic Footwear | Practitioner: Paul Stopforth |
my FootDr (Camp Hill) Phone 07 3035 3900 | Practitioner: Greg Dower and Darren Stewart |
Approved suppliers in regional Queensland
Supplier | Retailer / practitioner | Services |
Florian Shoes Foot Comfort Centre | Retailer: Robyn Mueller |
SSS Prosthetics and Orthotics | Practitioner: Daniel Baldwin |
SSS Prosthetics and Orthotics Aitkenvale | Practitioner: Ryan Kelly |
Becoming an approved supplier
New suppliers will need to provide documentation to MASS demonstrating eligibility for membership to the membership to the Pedorthic Association of Australia (PAA) and Certification in Pedorthics (C.Retped.Au, C.Ped.Au, C.Ped.Cm.Au).