Continence clinical guidelines and resources
Resources for continence aid prescribers and their clients are listed. It is incumbent on the user to update data as new evidence becomes available in order to keep the content current.
Clinical guidelines
- First Steps in the Management of Urinary Incontinence in Community-Dwelling Older People: A clinical practice guideline for primary clinicians (2010) for registered nurses and allied health professionals to assist in the initial assessment and management of urinary incontinence
- Preface (PDF, 317kB)
- Chapters 1-6 (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Chapters 7-12 (PDF, 1.3MB)
- First Steps Companion Guide to First Steps in the Management of Urinary Incontinence in Community Dwelling Older People (2010) (PDF 808 kB) a short user-friendly guide for use in client consultations
- Second Steps in the Management of Urinary Incontinence in Community-Dwelling Older People: A clinical practice guideline for clinicians with a special interest in continence (2008) - advanced continence information for secondary level continence clinicians with post-graduate training or expertise in continence management
Clinical resources
- Urinary Obstruction, Retention and Bladder Scanning: Resource Package (2012) (PDF, 653kB) self-directed learning package on urinary obstruction, urinary retention, bladder scanning and interpretation of results (completion attracts Continuing Nursing Education points from the College of Nursing, Australia)
- What is required in a continence assessment. (PDF 130 kB)
Resources for consumers
- Did You Know? Brochure (2012) (PDF, 336kB) a generic handout to raise awareness of continence issues
- Bladder Diary Form (PDF, 33kB) and Bowel Habit Diary Form (PDF, 160kB) client friendly information and instructions for the initial assessment and management of incontinence
- Healthy Body - Healthy Bladder and Bowel (2010) a take-home resource clients that promotes important lifestyle habits for continence and the initial management of urinary incontinence.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources
- Got Problems with your Waterworks or Bowels? (2008) (PDF 500 kB) encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to talk to a health worker if experiencing urinary incontinence
- Diappers Red Flag A4 Poster (2010) (PDF 838 kB) to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers assist their clients to identify common bladder and bowel problems
- Healthy Body - Healthy Bladder and Bowel (2010) a take-home resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients that promotes important lifestyle habits for continence and the initial management of urinary incontinence in a clear, illustrated style.
- Continence Foundation Australia’s resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders