Expanding Access to Life-Changing Assistive Technology in Queensland

Queensland Health is launching an exciting pilot expansion of the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS) to improve access to essential assistive technology (AT) for some of the state’s most vulnerable residents. This innovative project will run until June 2025, aiming to bridge service gaps, reduce waiting times, and improve the quality of life for those in need.

The pilot expansion will provide enhanced support to four key consumer groups:

  1. Patients Needing Assistive Technology for Safe Discharge Home
    • Providing timely AT to a wider group of hospital inpatients to support a safe and efficient transition from hospital to home.
  2. Disability and Refugee Health Communities
    • Expanding eligibility to include people with disabilities and refugees who currently face barriers in accessing Assistive Technology.
  3. Palliative Care Equipment Users
    • Supplying essential Assistive Technology to individuals receiving end-of-life care, expanding the current MASS eligibility, ensuring comfort and dignity.
  4. Spinal Cord Injury Patients Outside the PAH Spinal Injury Unit
    • Addressing the AT needs of Spinal Cord Injury patients not covered by the PAH Spinal Injury Unit.

These initiatives aim to reduce waiting times, expand eligibility, provide equitable access and enhance access for rural and remote communities. By addressing these challenges, MASS will empower individuals to live more independently, reduce hospital length of stays, and improve overall well-being.

For more information on the MASS Expansion Project, contact the MASS Project team at MASS-Projects@health.qld.gov.au

Last updated: 18 December 2024