Basic, Lightweight and Foldable Mobility Aids
MASS Equipment Services has completed their trial of basic mobility aids – manual wheelchairs, TIS manual wheelchairs and power wheelchairs. These basic mobility aids are lightweight, less complex and some are foldable or dismantlable, making it easier for lifting into cars or transporting.
During the trial, applications for the trial basic mobility aids made up 57% of mobility aids requested. This demonstrated that there was an unmet need for MASS consumers, who are more less likely to require a complex or highly customisable mobility aid and find the basic options more suited to assist them with increased mobility and safety.
These items are now available permanently under the Mobility Aids equipment categories.
MASS-eApply and the MASS website will be updated with this information in the near future.
Contact: MASS Equipment
Phone: 07 3136 3524