MASS-eApply Tutorials
The below information sheets and guides are available:
- MASS-eApply Info Sheet: How to Register a user account (PDF 211 kB)
- MASS-eApply Info Sheet: How to approve, reject or remove users in your MASS-eApply Organisation (PDF 189 kB)
- MASS-eApply Registration Flowchart (PDF 234 kB)
- The below MASS-eApply tutorials are available:
MASS Clinical Education also provides regular webinars.
Applying for Continence Aids through MASS-eApply Webinar.
Video transcript
Showing first screen of PowerPoint "Applying for Continence Aids through MASS-eApply".
Kieran Broome:
Thank you for joining us for this afternoon's webinar, applying for continence aids through MASS-eApply. I'm Kieran Broome, one of the clinical educators here at mass and with me in our Brisbane office today are Shane Bleddyn, the clinical advisor for continence aids, Bridget Manning, our other clinical educator, and Tanya Quincey from the MASS-eApply team.
Firstly, I'd like to acknowledge the Yuggerra peoples and Turrbal peoples as a traditional and
cultural custodians of the land upon which we meet today, Meanjin Brisbane and pay respects to elders past, present and emerging.
This webinar is being recorded. If you have any questions or comments during the webinar, please write them to the chat box and we'll respond to these at the end of the webinar.
Showing slide 2 of PowerPoint "Session Outline".
Kieran Broome:
I'm sure that you're all aware that applications for continence aids after the 1st of October
will only be available through MASS-eApply, at which time the mass 50 PDF the written form will be discontinued. So this webinar is designed to help you with that transition.
We'll be covering three things today:
We'll provide general information about the mass, continent service and MASS-eApply. We'll do a live demonstration of the MASS-eApply continence application, so you'll get a practical walkthrough of it. And we'll finish off with talking about some of the upcoming educational opportunities.
We do want to acknowledge at this time that we've recently become aware that eApply may be slow at times. So we've responded to this and you should notice from today that there's some improvements in speed and that will continue to monitor this to see how the speed goes. I'll pass you over now to Bridget Manning, who will cover some of the general information.
Showing slide 3 of PowerPoint "Eligibility for MASS".
Bridget Manning:
Thank you, Kieran. So firstly, just a refresher on the eligibility for MASS.
In terms of administrative eligibility, your client needs to be a permanent resident of
Queensland. They need to have a concession card such as a pension card or healthcare card, or also a Queensland Government seniors card . I'll just make the point here. It shouldn't be
confused with the Commonwealth Seniors Card, which is orange. It is the the Queensland Government seniors card. Now if your client says they have a concession card but they
actually can't produce it. On the home visit, you could actually, with the consent of your client, complete the mass 84 form and then mass can do the Centrelink check in the background on this side for clients who are accessing the Palliative Care Equipment Program, they don't need those forms of ID, but what they will need is a palliative confirmation form signed by a palliative care specialist.
There are exclusions to the eligibility for mass as well. For example, a person might be
eligible to be a participant of the NDIS and they wouldn't be eligible people on home care packages levels three and four, people who are recipients of compensation. All the details
about the administrative eligibility are covered in the mass general guidelines and the hyperlink to that is just there at the bottom of the slide.
In terms of clinical eligibility, the person needs to have a permanent and stabilised condition and then other supporting clinical information is likely to be asked, such as the medical condition or medical conditions, and then other factors that might impact on the persons level of functioning. Height and weight is very important for continence aids as well as mobility and daily living aids. Also, some assessment and management or care plans may be requested as well.
Showing slide 4 of PowerPoint "MASS Designated Prescribers for Continence".
Bridget Manning:
So they the list of designated prescribers for continence aids here at MASS. Designated knighted prescribers are required to complete the initial application and the three yearly application. At 6 monthly intervals it could be that the client themselves or somebody acting on their behalf
puts in a request for more products. We do accept if there's a change within a certain category, so somebody might be wearing pull ups and they decide they actually another one is preferable because they've changed size or something like that lost some weight so the so that will be OK
in in those six monthly reviews you can either phone us up or send a fax or an e-mail.
Just a note there that GP's are not designated prescribers.
Showing slide 5 of PowerPoint "MASS Continence Aids - Website Information".
Bridget Manning:
OK, so the title of this slide is actually a hyperlink and it will take you to the website for
continence aids here at mass and it has got a whole lot of information there.
We do have an applicant information sheet for continence aids that you can print off and give to your clients. There's the application guidelines for continence aids, so that has got a lot of useful
information about eligibility, the subsidy funding limits for adults and children for these products, and also the responsibilities of the prescribers.
Just going to see if I can bring that up to just show you.
Here we go.
It's already popped on up. OK. So that's what it looks like.
And that's really worthwhile. Having a look at before you commence your application as
well as the the general guidelines as well. Alright.
We have got a list of our approved suppliers, the continents, clinical guidelines and resources. So you can find things there like the first steps and the second steps to managing urinary incontinence in community dwelling older adults.
The approved continence products is another key resource Shane is going to share that with you
when she does the walkthrough of air apply. If you need to get in contact with us, there's a link there. Contact the mass continence service.
Now also if you know if somebody who is finding it difficult to to actually get their hands on a
health professional to help them with this application, you can contact the national continence helpline. My aged care is also another option.
Showing slide 6 of PowerPoint "MASS-eApply".
Bridget Manning:
Mass eapply commenced its roll out in 2017. If you go to a lot of our web pages on the left
hand in the left hand column down the bottom is the link MASS-eApply online applications for prescribers.
As I was saying before, it's strongly recommended that you read the guidelines, the and the
relevant guidelines before commencing on your application. OK, there's also a lot of app of
resources available with regards to MASS-eApply. Firstly, just letting you know that eApply was designed to be used across multiple platforms, so it can be used on your desktop computer at
the office. Also laptops and smartphones and tablets. It does use. It can work on a range of browsers. The exception there is Internet Explorer, because Internet Explorer is now retired, so choose something else like Edge or Firefox.
Alright, I'll just go through the list of resources so the Guide to using eApply that's a very helpful document. So it has things like how you register, how you navigate the system and how you set a password and I'm just gonna see if I can bring that one up for you as well.
Here we go. So I hope you can see this one. Alright, hope it's come across alright and you can
see there's been a lot of time developing these resources and that's good if you're a first time user for MASS-eApply,
We've also got our frequently asked questions and I'll bring you up and show you that because
that is so helpful for troubleshooting.
OK, so here's your frequently asked questions, so you might have difficulties. Say inputting
your clients concession card details and this will tell you about that.
All right, so about passwords and things. La La, la. But I just wanted to show you write
down the bottom.
You say service area specific troubleshooting and as you can see there's three fields there that are around continence for the blue care nurses out there, you'll be interested to see that there is a something there about saving the applicants fat 12 to attach to your application.
Can I think the link there to the prescriber registration and login for our OT and Physio participants today are you might be interested in looking at our tutorials. They do pertain to mobility aids and daily living aids.
We do have a team here at mass who manage the apply. If you've got, if you need any technical
assistance, please get in contact just at that generic e-mail address. Also, if you've got any feedback for us if you're noticing any good pictures or anything like that, please also send us an e-mail because we can try and address any issues at our end too. If you have any questions of a
clinical nature or anything about the administrative eligibility for continence aids or any of our other schemes, it is always best to contact the service area.
Showing slide 7 of PowerPoint "Benefits of Using eApply".
Bridget Manning:
There are numerous benefits to using eApply over a PDF form or or a paper form. So firstly
eApply will provide an immediate confirmation of administrative eligibility for clients who have a a concession card. There are a couple of exceptions here, so if if your client is a child and they have a healthcare card, we will need a copy of that healthcare card. Likewise, if your client for their ID is using the Queensland Government Seniors card, we will
also need a copy of that because that is not through Centrelink.
The second benefit here is that only questions relating to what you're applying for will be shown to you in the application. So behind the scenes we've got a logic algorithm running and so depends if you answer something to one question, it will either show you more questions relating to that or hide preceding questions. So it's really just designed just to focus in on what it is that you're requesting.
Then when you're completing the application, if there's something a mandatory field that
you have omitted to complete an error message will pop up. So then you can finish that off and and you can submit your application in the past with the paper based applications. If somebody forgot to fill in a certain question, then there would be quite a bit of tooing and frowing between the prescriber and the staff here at MASS.
Another benefit to eApply is that it is contactless, which is helpful in this climate. So in the past on
the with the paper forms your client has had to sign it, but now you will basically give them something to read or read it with them and and talk it through with them. And then when they've given you you're consent, then you can just select a tick box and proceed from there.
Showing slide 8 of PowerPoint "Benefits of Using eApply Cont.".
Bridget Manning:
So once you are a registered prescriber and you've completed one application, then when you
start typing into MASS-eApply, it will auto populate your details which is a nice time saver. It can also order populate mass client data as well.
If you find so, that's when you do a search and and you find your client. If there are just a few things to remember there. If you do know that there's a client in the system and they don't come up when you do your search, it could be because there's a mismatch between the ID that's been used. So the first time, maybe it was the healthcare card, the second time, maybe it's a pension
concession card and and we do go on that, that form of ID is actually the persons unique identifier. So there might be a mismatch.
There could be just a slow Internet browser. Or they could also be the fact that two applications have been submitted in quick succession and the first application the data hasn't gone through to our database as yet.
And then another benefit is that a PDF copy of the application will be sent to you as soon as
you've submitted it submitted your application. On MASS-eApply. It'll actually take about about 15 to 30 minutes to come through.
Showing slide 9 of PowerPoint "eApply Registration.".
Bridget Manning:
Right. At least they registration. You can either register as an individual or part of an organisation. So if you just a sole practitioner you just register as an individual.
If you're working at a private practice with multiple practitioners, then you would
register as part of an organisation.
Some professions do need AHPRA, the AHPRA registration number, to complete the application
forms, and I think that's the most of our webinar participants today. Being nurses, OT's and physios, you'll all need to do that. We do have a guide there on how to register a user
account if you need more information.
Just with the organisation registration, there are some advantages to registering as an organisation because you can actually have the whole team involved, so you could have an admin officer enter the person's personal details. Then maybe there's one member of the team,
a practitioner who is doing the first part of the assessment with the client, and then maybe somebody else will finish off with the recommendation and requested products.
And I will complete and submit the application.
It is only designated prescribers who can actually submit the applications using eApply.
If you, uh, if you changing your name or your address or you're moving organisers organisations,
please let our our MASS-eApply team know and they can change that in our system.
Showing slide 10 of PowerPoint "eApply Registration.".
Bridget Manning:
With your registration, you'll need your e-mail address, and it's important to get the spelling of that right, because sometimes people just miss a letter or so. But it's important because we do send the password resets and other notifications as well as well as those summaries of your application.
We do recommend here at MASS that you use your e-mail address as the username because that is guaranteed to be unique.
You will be given some information at declaration and just read through it and make sure you're comfortable with that, and then you can just select the tick box to proceed.
With organisations you go through to another page and it's either about selecting an existing organisation or if or setting up a new organisation.
It's important to choose a name for a new organisation that is appropriate, so you wouldn't
call your organisation PA hospital because it is just way too broad. Something like QEII physiotherapy department is really perfect.
The first person to register as the part of the organisation will become the administrator. They can actually be multiple administrators for a group, it's best to choose an administrator
who will communicate across the team because they will be the ones approving new prescribers and also having the team maintain consistency on how people register, like how they which phone number they're putting in and that sort of thing. We do have a guide. If you are an administrator on how to approve, reject or remove users in any apply.
Showing slide 11 of PowerPoint "Completing your Registration and Starting Out.".
Bridget Manning:
So once you're approved, you'll receive an e-mail with a hyperlink to choose to complete your account by setting up your by choosing your password. This hyperlink is valid for five days. However, if you catch COVID or something else goes on, don't worry, you can just click on, forget your password, and then it will reset and you can just take it from there.
So once you've completed, you can go in and access your forms and so there's a link there to
the form vault, and we'll be having a look at that soon and then you just select the, the category that you're wanting to apply to, which in this case is continence aids.
Showing slide 12 of PowerPoint "Starting on Applications.".
Bridget Manning:
So when you starting to put in the applicant applicants details, we do recommend that you start doing a search first, because it is likely that that applicant has received some products from mass in the past. So you will need to put information like surname, date of birth, concession type and card number. It's important that you need to put in the with the concession card you need to put
in the start date and the end date.
In the past few months, mass has been sending out.
Umm. Mass client cards and on that there's the B number that is for mass you can also search
for your client using that the number on the card.
Once, if you find your client by doing the search, please just check that all the details for that client and the carer are accurate. If the client isn't found, then you will need to enter all the details.
Showing slide 13 of PowerPoint "Viewing what was submitted.".
Bridget Manning:
In terms of viewing what was submitted, as I mentioned before, one of the ways is that you will receive a PDF of your completed application, the one there that's on your screen Sunny Day is just. It's just a mock client. And the 2nd way is to go into your dashboard and I'm going to be showing you that soon and you can click onto your application there.
OK. So we're on to our walk in now. So I will bring that up.
Just going to it here, yeah.
Showing a demonstration of MASS-eApply from the form vault.
Bridget Manning:
OK, so when you log into your your form faults. This is what it will look like. As you can
see there. That's your continence application and we're gonna go into that soon.
Then if you come down, you also have a different option there for palliative care, continence
aids. So I'm just going to go up and go into the continents application here.
And start that.
We're just going to just show you a few basic things and in eApply before I hand you over to
Shane. So on the left hand side there is a legend that will guide you, so just pressing the green start.
OK, so I just wanted to point out here where you see a red Asterix. That means that that
question is mandatory where you see the green question mark, just hover over it and it will give you a little bit more information about what's expected there.
Then you can go as you see the left hand side legend has already opened up and you can click on your different areas there and jump jump around a little bit and click on the next button. Here the blue next button down the bottom. That will automatically save what you have done on that page and you can go back and find your draft at a later point.
But to show you now the dashboard.
So this is what I was mentioning before. So you can go if I go here to the your continence application. You can see you might be able to check with your application ID and find your previously submitted application. Another way to find it is to go to your, show your filter pane and you can put in the mat mass reference number. As I said, given name, family name and just
do a search and you can find your application that way.
All right. Well, that's all from me. I'm just going to actually hand you over to Shane now, who's going to be going through more of the clinical side of doing your application.
Shane Bleddyn:
Good afternoon everyone.
My name's Shane and I'm the continence clinician here at MASS and I'm going to do a walk through with an eApply, and I'm gonna do two walkthroughs. One will be a client that's a new
client to mass and the other one will be a client that's a renewal application. A renewal application is submitted to us when either the prescriber is needing to send through a change
of application.
Because clients aids have changed. For example, they've gone from adhesive pads to a
pull on pad, so a new application is being submitted. Or maybe the client is now using catheters. So you're sending us through a request for change of aids or a renewal application may also be done when it's a three-year renewal that's needed here at mass every three years for clients that are already on our scheme.
Showing the Applicant window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
So as I'm going down, what we've done is, as Bridget said, this is a mock scenario. So here we've got as you can see a client that's called a Mr MASS Stock and this has been searched for his details. So you can see it's been prefilled because he is already known to us at mass. If you've searched and the client is not known to us at mass, you will have to fill in all of these details yourself.
So for the purposes of today, you can see that this has been prefilled and I'm just moving
down. Umm here. As a hint as well, if anything Bridget already mentioned, but if anything within Asterisk is not answered, you won't be able to progress to the next page, so I always encourage people just to take their time and just step by step. Look at every question and take your time answering every question so that nothing is missed as we're moving through. You can see contact details here.
You've got a few options for phone numbers and then we've got the permanent residential address and then we come down to the delivery address. I just wanna make note with the delivery address you can hear in this section put in comments, but the comments need to be really simple and really clear because there isn't actually a huge field for us to actually enter a
lot of the information you might want to give us.
The other issue, I just wanna mention as well is that with all of our suppliers, they do have their own careers that deliver. The products to clients all over Queensland, so although comments might be put in this field like for example, please ring Betty on her phone number prior to delivery, although you're welcome to put in simple delivery instructions, not all deliberately delivery instructions can actually be progressed or attended by the couriers that deliver because there is unique situations with the couriers delivering goods. But please note that you can put an instruction like "Please leave at front door" or it might be "please could client sign on delivery" so those sort of instructions are very appropriate and you've got a small field there to enter it.
So so I might for example put here.
Talking while typing: "Please sign on delivery."
So as long as we're we're keeping that simple. That's absolutely fine and then just the postal address.
Um, the postal address can be different to the clients address. For example, if it's being delivered to the daughter's property instead of the clients property. So you can change that for the purposes of today. The delivery address is going to be at the clients address.
And then additional persons you can put in, obviously a carer, or another contact person's
details here. Just so you know, if the client is already known to mass, we may already have carer or contact details in there. Please remember that you can change the details and you need to check whether that does need to be updated because the previous contact or carer may not be the current one. So please update that as needed.
And then we're just progressing here again, the asterisk. So we need to look at these questions and answer these for the purpose of today, I'm going to put no, that there's no work cover or any third party claims there. So now I'm just gonna go next.
Showing the Eligibility window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
OK, I'm just gonna go up to that page. So then just moving forward with the application. With the eligibility, it's important obviously to answer all of these questions. And I also think eApply is really good in the situation that previously when we had a lot of paper applications.
As prescribers, we know that you get distracted and busy and sometimes questions get missed
and don't get answered with eApply. It makes you answer them and you can't actually forget to answer them and for the purposes of our processing, it's great because nothing will be rejected
and we don't need to go back to yourselves as prescribers to get the information which does delay applications. So it's great that it won't let you progress unless you do answer everything.
So if you were to tick yes, for example, we do need to know is it a level 1, 2, 3 or 4. Now if
you tick 3 or 4. Level 3 and 4 clients don't meet our eligibility criteria, so only level 1 and 2
clients do.
So we're just therefore making sure that your answering that correctly. So then as we progress. We're going down to any other assistance here. If you tick yes, they are having other assistance. You will see it's going to ask you what other assistance they're having as an example, if the client was on a transitional care program, it may then also ask you to provide
a discharge date and more information. And that's because clients, while they're on the transitional care program, aren't eligible for mass. We do encourage prescribers, of course, to still send applications through. When they're towards the end of the program or during the program, if the client is stabilised with their continence condition. But here it's just gaining that information that we're needing.
And then concession card, so you've got the opportunity here to put in their pension concession card details. I just want to mention that for example, if it's a Queensland Seniors card here you will see that you're gonna have to upload the the actual file and the picture of the Queensland Seniors Card. However, if it is and that's the same for, sorry if it is the the pension card or
the healthcare card you you can actually enter the details and I'll just quickly do that now.
So I'm just going to progress with these basic sort of consent information, which you'll be
doing with the client and asking the client questions as you're going through.
And then at the end here, the applicant actually has to consent to having their the Centrelink information looked at by us. If you actually press no at this stage, we wouldn't be able to progress the application. We would need that permission. So you do need to press. Yes, the client does need to agree to that for us to move forward.
And then so with the Centrelink details here. Um, it does give you a hint here with not entering spaces or hyperlinks as well.
Um, which does help if you if you do have any hiccups while you're entering the details. Again, Bridget's mentioned, but just go to these question marks so that helps you with making sure you've put the information in correctly.
And I've just for example got a mock one that I'm gonna put in and then the date.
So we'll go. OK.
So we've popped that in and then we've got the details here.
And then I'm wanting to progress and if I haven't done anything correctly, it's going to let me know and so there you go. It's let me know that I've put in something in error and that is because I've entered there on the transitional care program and I haven't haven't actually put the details in. Once I put those details in, it will let me progress. So if I'm gonna move on quickly, I'm just
gonna pretend that Mr Mass stock is not on the transitional care program.
I'm gonna press no and you'll see. Hopefully now I'll be able to progress and that there's
nothing I've forgotten to do. I like the way it doesn't let me progress if I've forgotten something because again on the paper versions it's it's easy actually to forget details.
Showing the Carer/Primary Contact Details window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
So here the again. I'll just get you to always check these details and move forward if they're correct, but if they're not, you get the opportunity to correct them at this stage and and just double checking the address.
Showing the Applicant confirmation window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
So here these are the details that you're needing to go through with the applicant. So here the applicant is acknowledging that they've had a continence assessment attended and that also you've educated the client on information that's relevant to their continence aids with mass and that you've also given them education on the aids that we'll be sending, and that's all included in the the guide to trialling clients with appropriate aids.
Before doing this application, and a lot of that is because once a six month supply is delivered, they can't actually return or exchange the aids. So we do want them to be suitable for the client and the best products for the client and again here a lot of this is just reading out.
The client acknowledgement that if their situation changes just as an example, they're going to
a Level 3 or 4 home care package that they will notify our mass within 14 days.
So a lot of this is just you going through this with the client including the privacy statement with the client and then the client needs to accept that information and then we acknowledge that it's all correct.
And then the next section is just consent to electronic communications. It is valuable to gain consent from the client because as you can imagine, a lot of information is emailed. It is kept confidential, but emailing between the continence team and prescribers is important. If there's any more communication or information that's needed. With saying yes as well when it comes down to these areas down here where you're asking the client if they want emailing or newsletters, there's not a lot of correspondence here. Or surveys. So it's very minimal. But of course the client can say yes or no to that as well with receiving communication by e-mail.
We do encourage you to educate the client that it is up to them if they're, if they're happy for
that to happen, but if they do say yes, they don't have to have an e-mail address themselves. It could be also a daughter's e-mail with her consent. But receiving communication by e-mail can be beneficial. But equally you can also put no if if that's what you're wanting to put in at that stage. And you can see again, um, they're asking to include because I have put yes to communication, they're wanting a valid e-mail here so.
I'm just gonna put in just.
Yeah, and I'll just.
Showing the Prescriber Details window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
And then just quickly, your prescriber details, there is sometimes a lot of confusion with these being back the the wrong way round. For example, given name maybe your surname and accidentally you've put your family name as your first name.
So I always say just concentrate to get these the right way round because it can actually cause a
lot of confusion. Then it's just the registration details. All of the standard details in here.
Umm. And that's so that we can obviously also communicate with you if there's any follow up
that's needed.
Showing the Application window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
And now we're getting into the more the clinical details that are required here, you will see
I'm gonna put in the height. So Mr Mass stock is 160 centimetres and his weight is going to be 70 kilos. The reason why it's important to have this clinically on the form is that I actually get a lot of benefit from it. When you're requesting aids. Just as an example, you may have requested.
A size extra large for Mr Mass stock and if I see that he's 70 kilos and 160, I might be thinking, well, wouldn't he maybe be more of a medium to large is extra large actually accurate? So it's useful for me to use that to to check that you haven't accidentally requested the wrong size. It gives me the ability to follow up with you. If I'm not sure if the products definitely right. So that is of benefit.
Is the applicant bedfast now? This is also a benefit to me asking this question for a lot of reasons that if you were to press yes and you've ordered all in one tab pads, I would say "ah, that's why you're ordering a product that maybe isn't ordered a lot", which is the all in one tab pads and that's because the clients bed fast.
Certain products that we have at mass are, you know, individual and quite unique to clients that
are bedfast. So for me, it's like another double checker where when I'm looking at your application, I'm looking at some of these clinical details to know that the product you're requesting are definitely the right aids. And again, the background of that is that I'm not wanting the client to receive six months of aids that that are not the right aids for the client.
So falls history as well. It's really good for me to see this and gain information about the falls history. That also helps me with understanding why you've chosen that particular product.
And just moving forward, if does a client having continence, that's permanent stabilised. That's very important because that's part of our guidelines and also I'm wanting the clients incontinence to be permanent and stabilised because we're sending out six months of a product and an example of that might be if a client's got a short term catheter that's been put in because he's waiting for a surgical procedure like a transurethral resection of the prostate, which he'll be having the operation maybe in two months time, well then, that will tell me that really, he's not permanent stabilised because after that procedure maybe he won't need a catheter at all. So
then his products will will change and be different. So we do want these clients to have very much, you know, permanent conditions. So I'm gonna say yes, Mr Mass stock has that.
And I'm also gonna communicate that he has both urinary and faecal incontinence as well.
And then just moving forward, the next area we ask you for is the primary condition and we do
ask that you try to make this condition, the main overarching medical condition that is affecting the client, it doesn't necessarily have to be specifically with continents, but is affecting their health in general, and just as a mock scenario, I'm gonna say that that Mr Mass stock. For example, has a degenerative neurological condition, and I'm gonna say that that he has, for
example, Parkinson's disease and that's an example of a, you know, a condition that we would consider the major condition and then you can add for example a sub sub-categories as well if
you want to. For example, if I was to add a a subcategory it might be a bladder and a bowl subcategory. So for example if I go to bladder and bowel disorders.
I might for someone with Parkinson's say that they have, for example, functional incontinence. So with their reduced mobility and the client being slow to get to the toilet, they have functional
For that reason, you can also add other categories and other conditions as well. It's that's individual to the to the client that that you're with now here it's gonna ask you if it's a first time application to mass for continence aids.
I also just want to reiterate, it is important to really thoroughly check with the client if they have previously had mass aids because we do get a lot of prescribers saying yes, it's the first time to mass when actually they possibly be been receiving products for three or four years.
If you're unsure, you are welcome to ring through to our team here and the client service officers can actually let you know if they have previously been a mass client or not. If there is any confusion.
So I'm just gonna go through a first time application. So with the first time application you
do actually have to upload a continence assessment.
The with the continence assessment, I'm gonna go through with you the different types of
continence assessments you can upload with these applications. So if I.
So if I just quickly go through here, I've just. Just wanting to sort of communicate questions that are asked a lot about what is required in a continence assessment to mass for a new client. So one common form of a communist of a comment assessment is often a template that has been done up by different community organisations and or hospitals.
In their templates, they're all different, so every every continence template will have different questions, and that is fine. But I just wanna communicate these basic points of what I'm looking for and the importance of this is obviously so that we can see the client has been reviewed and that the the aids you're requesting. is is suitable for that client, but also to meet our MASS guidelines? I'm needing more information. I'm really needing to understand the story behind
the continence needs for this client, so I wanna know the types of incontinence. Is it urinary incontinence? Faecal incontinence? Is it both or is it, for example, a type of bladder and bowel dysfunction? That's causing problems. For example, they're needing to have a long term catheter in situ.
Medical conditions that are impacting on the condensate status and an example with Mr Mass stock would be Parkinson's disease, reduce slow mobility. He may also have nocturia. He's getting up a lot a lot at night, and this then also allows me to look at the aids you're requesting and understand again the story with what's happening with the client associated functional issues. So again, reduced mobility, poor hand dexterity, all of those details that might influence why you're particularly asking for a specific continence aid, I want to know how the client is managing during the day and the night. The reason being is because you may be asking for a
certain type of aid during the day.
But a different one at night and including information in your assessment is great because then
I can see why you're requesting different aids. Also, medication. You don't have to put in medication, but it can also be useful in in the big story with the continents issues this client is having, how long a client has had incontinence. So that's important because I need to understand if this is a permanent stabilised condition, a long term condition. Umm. And then also how the clients currently managing any strategies? Any referrals? I'm trying to to understand that that this is certainly conservative management. The use of these aids you're requesting and then trial of AIDS. Look, I'm always encouraging the trial of aids because it really is needed to make sure that the client is looked at individually and that they're comfortable and the aids are appropriate for their needs and then just lastly, if they're under 65, just remember that we we don't have funding for NDIS clients that are are NDIS eligible or have NDIS eligible conditions.
So you can actually of course send in an application for someone under 65, but we just need to check that they don't have any medical conditions that might make them NDIS eligible.
Now a lot of I get a lot of questions from prescribers who don't have a template, and if
you don't have a continence template, that is fine. You can use a Word document or a PDF, and in that you can actually give me a few paragraphs on a Word document which is unique to
the. To the client and it's including all of those above details. So all you're doing is giving me
the story in a few different paragraphs, which is really no different to to templates.
So I'm happy with that and then GP care plan can also be useful as long as it's expanded with
more information like this occasionally, sometimes GP care plans can have very minimal information, and it doesn't always allow me to check. Um or understand the clients continence story. So I do need more expanded information. If you're sending through a GP care plan.
So just quickly going back, I just want to also just discuss. With this new application you are going to have to upload the the continence assessment or the Word document that you've done as well. So you will have to add a file and for example, if I just go down to here with what I've just shown you, I'm just clicking on that Word document I've just shown you and I'm opening it up
as well. And of course you can double click on that and have a look at it to double check it's the right clients assessment and details before you move forward.
Um, but that's just making sure I've uploaded that to the new clients assessment. Then here I'm picking the products now here it's current product use. So all I'm needing to understand is what is the client currently using so Mr Mass stock currently is using adhesive pads, so I'm gonna communicate that because that's great for me understanding how the client is currently managing.
Showing the Continence Products window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
And then as we move forward, you will have the opportunity to pick a number of different products and I'm just going to go through the types of different products that you can pick now. So here, it's what products would you like to request now, these are the different categories of products. What we do have here is up here.
We've got click on this link and what that will do is that will actually take you through to all of our different continence aids, and I'm just gonna very quickly show you that so that as you're doing the apply, you might find it useful to actually click on that so.
So if I just go to our list so this is our continence aids list, which is at our website that has all of our continence aids available. And if I just scroll through, you will see there all under different categories here from reusable all the way through to adhesive shaped pads, light moderate absorbency, non adhesive pads. We've got, in this range here it goes all the way through to different female, male, pull up aids, unisex, and then um again, the pull up aids are different categories of light, moderate to heavy absorbency and then, of course, we've got children's categories of aids, disposable all in one or tab pads.
The list is of course very large, so I'm gonna show you in a minute a search function where you can possibly search for the aids so you're not having to have a look in detail at this huge document, but it is good to familiarise yourself with this, so your understanding all the different types of aids that we do offer and then we also on this list I'll just show you if I clicked onto category two, that brings us to all of our conduction aids, which includes catheters, sheaths. Like a night bags, disposable catheters, pre-lubricated catheters, our new Contract service offers
arrangements list started on the 1st of September and I will be doing an education session in two weeks to go through all of these products in more detail as well.
This is more just to show you that on this list we've got names. We've got specific if I just got to the top specific product codes sizes for example measurements colours and then, also this list will also give you an idea of the supplier and then also how many items. For example, the client will get in a six month period.
So just moving forward.
With choosing products, it can be confusing for prescribers, what they're allowed to choose
for clients. So, for example, you can get a mixture of a supply. So for example, Mr Mass stock, he might be choosing an adhesive product for the day, but he might find at night he's trialled and using pylons, which are better for him. As an example, if Mr Mass stock actually for example, was
needing catheters.
We might go click on catheters, but I can then also choose pull ons if if he has faecal incontinence and needing pull ons as well when you choose catheters, you'll get the opportunity of choosing
permanent long term indwelling catheters or disposable catheters.
If you're choosing indwelling you will then want to add either drainage bags or a bottle for overnight or leg bags or catheter valves. You can only choose one or the other here, need the leg bags or catheter valves as well.
Then also with all these different categories, you can obviously also choose bed and chair protectors as needed as well, so you can see here there's there's certainly is a mixture of different categories that you can have for for the purpose of this mock one, I'm gonna choose
these three categories.
Showing the Pads, All-in-one, nappies and pull-ons window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
And then moving forward, I'm needing to know how many the clients using, whether it's one
or two in a day or whether it's one or two at night. The reason why we need to know the clients usage is to work out if the clients needing a full subsidy or whether if it's, if they're using a reduced amount. For example, just one a day and one at night, it would be a reduced subsidy again. So possibly half the supply.
Of the full subsidy that they would be getting. So for example, here I'm just gonna say that Mr Mass stock is needing two during the day and two at night.
That actually is going to to give him a full subsidy of the aids that he's needing. If I was to have said, he's only requiring one during day and one at night, it would be a half subsidy that we would be getting.
So and here it's an example of just how many pads in a six month period they can be having
when I'm going to actually choose the product and I go to product type. I'm just gonna explain.
That we've got just. I'm gonna pick an item. I'm gonna go disposable adhesive pads. I'm going to go Light absorbency for the day, and then that's gonna give me the list of all the ones that I
I have to choose from, for example. So this just gives you an idea of the category. Now if I think well, that's not quite what I was looking for. You can also go. I just wanna show you just product search as well. So you can go product name and code as well to search. So as an example: I can Scroll down to find the aid that he has trialled and used, for example, just gonna go there and then that will come through and then also that's gonna give me a subsidy amount. Our client
service officers also will always be double checking these amounts. So if you have any confusion over that, they are checked again as well because it can be confusing if you say how many cartons am I wanting so.
I'm just going to just move forward.
I can choose another type of adhesive pattern from wanting, but this client we're choosing pull ups for night so I'm very quickly just moving forward and again I I know the product named that this gentleman is wanting, so I'm just gonna type that in now, and I'm just going to quickly Scroll
down and I'm going to look at the list here. I know that this gentleman is using a molicare 8 drop, which I can see here, and if I click on that - It comes up the name and the product and I can see that is the correct product I'm looking. It does give me the idea of I'm 56 pads is per carton and if
he's using them at night I can then also go and request for example the amount of cartons I'm wanting.
And then if I've requested too much and I'm confused, it may come up here. Number of pads
remaining. So I've ordered two many. So I'm just gonna go back.
Now our client service officers will be double checking on this as well because. It is unless you've got the list in front of you where it says how many cartons in 24 hours it it can be confusing.
So I'm gonna go back.
And it will always tell me if I've exceeded an in certain combinations. It can be confusing because you can exceed carton quantities depending on the products that that you've chosen. Again, if there's any confusion, you can ring through to the client service I officers to get more of an idea of the carton quantities that you're needing.
And I'm just going to, I'm just going to go next.
And it's going to say I need to correct errors, so the error may actually be that I've ordered and requested too many pads for the client.
So I'm just going to go back.
If I make an error here, the client service officers will actually see it and they will also correct it.
I'm just going to. I'm going to ask Tanya. Yep. Tanya, with this particular group of adhesive pads and pull ups.
Yep. What have I done that's in error, where it's coming up? OK.
Tanya Quincey:
Why it's over, is it actually takes all the different categories, so it counts together. You the pads, the pull ups and the all in ones and the first pad product has 180 in that packet. So with the because you've got a combo, you can only get 225 in total. So it's with that amount you won't be able to order that second product because 180 + 56, you're always going to be over.
And I can I just mention to you that those little things that say hidden, yes, they are meant to be hidden and that will be fixed probably about 15 minutes after this session is over.
So you will normally see far fewer there. So what you would need to do in this case is
review it, review and see if there's another product that may come with the different amount in the carton. Or I consider only ordering the one product.
Shane Bleddyn:
OK, yeah, sure.
So that that may tell me that with the subsidy I that both products may not be, yeah, appropriate. So I'll need to review that. So, alright, so that I've just gone back there.
And I'm just gonna see.
Just going to go back and pick, the, Let's start typing it, yeah. Gonna go, Tena Men Level 3.
I'm sorry here.
I'm gonna go. Yeah, just.
And I'm just gonna go down to the bottom and have a look. I've still got 73 remaining, so I know that this gentleman can have . Yep, I'm just gonna go. 7.
And that brings me one pad remaining. So that combination was very good. So I'm just gonna
press next.
Showing the Bed Pads and Chair Pads window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
And then just quickly, a bed pad to add and I know the one that the client is wanting, so I'm just gonna go and the clients not on a pressure mattress, which is good. If the client was it just
gives you the opportunity to question that with the occupational therapist due to sometimes them preventing the full pressure relief from mattresses.
Showing the Exchange Policy window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
And we know that there's a no exchange policy as well, so just progressing.
Showing the Declaration window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
And then I'm just saying, yes, I understand and agree with the information.
Showing the Submit to MASS window of MASS-eApply.
Shane Bleddyn:
OK. And then once we review what we've requested and checked, it's OK we then get the opportunity to submit once it's submitted.
Bridget also mentions it takes about 15 to 30 minutes to come back with an e-mail to yourselves with also our special unique reference number and that allows you the opportunity to know that the applications gone through so.
I've gone through a new application today just as a hint, the three-year renewal application is exactly the same except for one question which says, is this client a new client to mass and you click no when you click no it it will just ask you a couple more added questions about the review and also if you are changing the product it gives you the opportunity to put in a comment and let me know why the clients now needing a different aid or pad, but it is exactly the same.
So. So that's just me finishing with the apply and I think it's good that I made a few errors with the pad quantities because it does show that with the subsidy and mixing up pads because of our carton quantities, some products. A two big to have mixed supplies, but some are OK and if you wanna double check that again, it's all in the list. How many cartons belong to certain products and you can review it there as well.
I'll just hand you over to Kieran.
Showing slide 14 of PowerPoint "Upcoming MASS Webinars.".
Kieran Broome:
Thanks for that Shane.
I'll very quickly wrap up for today. So we do have some other education opportunities that are
relevant to continence prescribers.
So the most important one happens in a fortnight, which is the overview of the products in the new mass continence standing offer arrangement. So we'll summarise some of the changes to the standing offer arrangement and some of the new products that you can apply for.
We've got one on cultural considerations, another around prescribing, toileting aids, which may be relevant to your clients with functional and continence.
And we're also having a continence section in our webinar about meeting the needs of bariatric clients as well.
Showing slide 15 of PowerPoint "Contact - General Enquiries/Repairs.".
Kieran Broome:
Will there be sending these slides out again following this presentation over the next couple of days when the recording is available, I have popped the link to the feedback form for today into the chat.
Showing slide 16 of PowerPoint "Feedback Form.".
Kieran Broome:
There's also a QR code here if you'd like to scan that and if you complete that within 20 seconds, you'll have an individualized certificate of attendance in your e-mail box.
So please, if you can, you can do that one.
We also have a few questions today. That will just go through before we wrap up, so some of them we've addressed in the in the chat.
One of them NDIS clients generally not eligible for mass continence unless it's completely unrelated to the NDS application. But talk to the team about those sort of ones.
Kieran Broome reading Question: "What happens if somebody goes on an NDIS when they've just got a supply, say, in that six month supply period? What would happen then?"
Answered by Shane Bleddyn: That's OK. If the application went through and the aids went out to the client and they weren't at that stage eligible for NDIS. We understand that that can happen. So we the the client would would still have the aids.
Kieran Broome: yeah, great.
Kieran Broome reading question: "So if we have that box there about the permission to e-mail, let's say the prescriber or the supplier, does it hold things up if the client ticks no for that in terms of emailing the supplier? Is it a bad thing?"
It makes our lives a lot more difficult, would be the summary from the team here.
OK, we've got another one here.
Kieran reading Question: "If a person, if a prescriber takes this is the first application and fills out the whole application, but then it turns out this isn't the first application. Is that a bad
thing? Will it automatically be rejected?"
Answered by Shane Bleddyn: It's only a bad thing if they've changed the clients product and they haven't actually communicated with me any detail about why they've changed it. It'll cause confusion because I may see that this client has always, for example, had. Poise super pads for for four years and suddenly they're asking for. Umm poise overnight, which is a much larger pad but with no explanation. If there's no communication and I'm not understanding why they've
changed the aid, then we will have to go back and seek more information. So it just will slow things down.
Kieran Broome: So definitely feeling those free text box.
We've got a quick one here. We answered one about PCEP eligibility for continence and that's six months like the rest of the PCEP program.
We have a quick, specific question. Do you have booster pads available on the list of products?
Answered by Shane Bleddyn: I know we don't. We don't offer booster pads at mass. Yep.
Kieran Broome: And then the question about the number of cartoons. But people are just saying that they've not had to put in the number of carbons requested for and they thought this was automatically updated. But I guess that demonstration of what happened just before where this allows you to specify the different cartoons and it all adds up and you can see that if you're within the subsidy. Is that new?
Tanya Quincey answering question: And sorry, I'll just say from a apply how it's designed is if you're only ordering one type of pads or pull up all in one, it will automatically calculate the clients maximum amount that they can receive. It's when you're ordering more than one. That is when you entered the carton quantity so that you can choose which product you want to prioritise.
Shane: And the bulk of the applications are just the one. So that's one most people who have seen it.
Kieran: Yeah. So we had some answers from the team there. We do have a questions of how will we know if the client has become eligible for NDIS? We aren't automatically informed on that, but it is part of your declaration that everything's to incorrect. So you would expect that the client would tell you, and you ask that question to the client.
And just a general question here. What's the process after submission to mass? Then the
order from the distributor as what's that process that it goes through?
Um comes to us, goes through MASS-eApply, apply then through.
Shane: that's right. And then our processing times dictate how long it takes for us to process
the application. At the minute, the processing times are approximately six to seven weeks processing time and then the distributors, it can take of course, a number of weeks for that process then to happen. So our processing. Times do go up and down, so if you've got any queries about processing times, you're welcome to bring through and check with our client service officers.
Kieran: Fantastic. Cool. That seems to be the questions for today.
Apologies for going slightly over, but we had some great questions there to cover.
Thank you for attending and hopefully we’ll see you again at a future webinar.
Fastest way to apply for wheeled walking aid
Video transcript
I am going to talk you through the fastest way to apply for a wheeled walking aid in MASS-eApply.
You can search for an existing applicant by surname, DOB, card type and card number.
Once you have found your client, please confirm their details are correct.
If the applicant is not an existing MASS client or is not known to MASS-eApply, please complete the Applicant section.
Please note within the applicant section is the eligibility and confirmation pages. These needs to be completed with every application and will not self-populate.
The prescriber details should automatically populate if you have previously completed a MASS-eApply application.
Please check your details and click ‘next’.
In the equipment category.
Click on ‘mobility aids’
And then ‘wheeled walking aid’
And click ‘next’
Please note every time you press ‘next’ it saves all the data submitted.
The next section is the prescriber assessment tab
The mandatory sections are primary condition, height and weight
If for example the primary condition is ‘musculoskeletal’
And the subcategory is ‘unspecified’
Please provide further details in the free text box below
Other diagnoses and medical conditions can be added by clicking the green add category button
Note: an asterisk next to a question indicates an answer is required before proceeding to the ‘next’ page
Next is existing equipment
If the client doesn’t have a wheeled walking aid currently, click ‘no’ and progress to the ‘next’ section
If they do have a wheeled walking aid. Click ‘yes’ and continue answering the corresponding questions that apply
For this example I am going to click on ‘current equipment deemed beyond economic repair’
And then ‘MASS requested replacement’
In the equipment eligibility section
It asks questions relevant to the client’s functional mobility and confirmation that the wheeled walking aid is required to facilitate this
If I were to click ‘no’. A red error sign would come up saying the applicant is not eligible
Click ‘yes’ and then click on all the reasons that apply
For this example, I am going to click on ‘falls risk’
And ‘reduced walking endurance’
Product selection
The first question asks if the product is on the SOA
Click ‘yes’ or ‘no’ depending on your choice of product
Note: please check the SOA document before applying
For this example, I am looking for an ‘Ellipse 8’, which is on the SOA
On the drop down list, type in ‘Ellipse 8’
I am not looking for the tall one, so I am going to click the other one
Equipment trials and supplier details
Input the supplier
Ensure you select the SOA supplier or one of their approved SOA agents for this equipment
For the Ellipse 8 the supplier on the SOA is ‘The Country Care Group’
Select length of trial completed
And tick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on whether the equipment had been trialled in all relevant areas of the home
Please note: MASS requires all equipment is trialled in the home environment
If this is not possible there is an opportunity to indicate other strategies used to ensure the equipment is a suitable fit for the home
Please indicate the outcome of the trial
Note: there is a free text box available on this page for any additional information you may want to add
For a wheeled walking aid, modifications should not be required
Please ensure the equipment selected has all the essential features for your client
Click ‘next’
Next is the delivery and charges section
For an SOA walker a quote is not required. The price and delivery cost should self-populate
Funding summary
This should show costs
Please note if a co-payment applies, discussion with the applicant needs to occur
In this instance, there is no co-payment and no other charges
Press ‘next’
Application details
These questions assist MASS to prioritise applications
Work through the questions, ticking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as applicable
When you get to the question
‘Do you wish to request this application be reviewed by a clinical advisor?’
If you click ‘yes’, a free text box will appear for any additional information you may want to add
SOA wheeled walking aids do not require a quote
The upload quote button is not mandatory
This can be used for non SOA products as a quote is required
As this topic is the fastest way to apply for a wheeled walking aid through MASS-eApply
An SOA item was selected
Please note that for non SOA products, more questions will appear as you fill out the form
The last section is submitting to MASS
Click the ‘Check box’ and submit
A PDF copy of the application will be sent to the Prescriber’s email address listed on the application. However, there is a download PDF button to get an additional copy if required.
Applying for a bath transfer bench and static shower commode
Video transcript
I am going to talk you through applying for a bath transfer bench and static shower commode in MASS - eApply.
You can search for an existing applicant by surname, DOB, card type and card number.
Please note this information, including the card type and number, must match MASS records for the applicant search to work. If you have difficulty with this section, please contact the relevant MASS Service for assistance.
Once you have found your client, please confirm their details are correct.
If the applicant is not an existing MASS client or is not known to MASS - eApply, complete the Applicant section.
Please note that at the end of the applicant section is the Eligibility and Confirmation pages. These need to be completed with every application and will not self-populate.
Prescriber details
The prescriber details should automatically populate if you have previously completed a MASS - eApply application.
Please check your details and click ‘next’.
Equipment selection.
Please note you can select more than 1 item in this category.
Click on ‘bathing and/or toileting aids’
And then ‘static or 3 in 1 commode’
And ‘bath transfer bench’
And click ‘next’
Please note every time you press ‘next’ it saves all the data submitted
The next section is the prescriber assessment tab
The mandatory sections are primary condition, height, and weight
If, for example, the primary condition is ‘musculoskeletal’
And the subcategory is ‘unspecified’
Please provide further details in the free text box below
Other diagnoses and medical conditions can be added by clicking the green ‘Add category’ button. Please delete any blank rows before proceeding, as an error will occur at submission.
Note: an asterisk next to a question indicates an answer is required before proceeding to the ‘next’ page
Existing equipment.
For the static or 3 in 1 commode, the first question asks if it is replacing existing equipment.
Click ‘yes’ or ‘no’ depending on whether or not your client currently has a static commode or other toileting aid through MASS.
For this example, I am going to click ‘yes’.
It then prompts you to answer why the equipment needs replacing.
I am going to click on ‘current equipment deemed beyond economic repair’ and then ‘MASS requested replacement’.
Next click on the arrow for Bath transfer bench.
It will prompt you to answer the same questions as above.
For this example, I am going to click ‘no’
Equipment eligibility
The first question asks if ‘the applicant has a permanent and stabilised condition or disability that prevents effective walking and/or transferring to the toilet in the home?’.
If you click ‘no’. It will indicate that the applicant is not eligible for a static or 3-in-1 commode.
Click ‘yes’.
Next you are asked if the ‘item is required for bedroom use or close proximity toilet use?’
If you click ‘no’, a red error sign will appear to indicate that the applicant is not eligible.
Click ‘yes’.
The last question asks if the ‘applicant has a mobile shower commode that can be fitted with a pan?’
If you click ‘yes’, it will indicate that the applicant is not eligible, as a pan can be fitted to the existing MASS mobile shower commode.
Click ‘no’.
Proceed to click on the arrow next to Bath transfer bench.
The first question asks if the applicant ‘has a permanent and stabilised condition or disability that prevents effective transfer into a bath or shower?’
If you click ‘no’, a red error sign will appear saying the applicant is not eligible.
Click ‘yes’
The second question asks if ‘you have considered other options (for example static shower chair, grab rails, standard bath board) and deemed these not suitable?’
If you click ‘no’, a red error sign will appear saying the applicant is not eligible.
Click ‘yes’ and then press ‘next.
Product selection
The first question asks if the 'equipment is on the current SOA?’
Click ‘yes’ or ‘no’ depending on your choice of product
Please check the SOA document on the MASS website before applying
For this example, I have picked an SOA item, therefore I click ‘yes’
Click on the ‘drop down list’
For this example, I am going to look for the K care, economy, beige frame static commode
Type in ‘K care’
Select your product
Please double check the client’s weight as it cannot exceed or come within 5kg of the maximum safe working load of the equipment.
Click on the arrow next to bath transfer bench
And answer the corresponding questions
Again, check the client’s weight against the maximum safe working load of the equipment
Click ‘next’
Equipment trials and supplier details
Ensure you select the SOA supplier or one of their approved SOA agents for the equipment chosen.
Click on the ‘drop down list’ and type in the SOA supplier for your item
For the K care – economy – beige frame the SOA supplier is ‘The Country Care Group’
Please note Static and 3-in-1 commodes do not require a trial, unless you determine this is needed.
for length of trial I will select ‘no trial conducted’.
There is a free text box available on this page for any additional information you may want to add
Click on the green button to add in any equipment that has been trialled but was not requested.
Click on the arrow next to bath transfer bench.
Input the supplier.
Indicate the length of trial.
And tick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on whether the equipment had been trialled in all relevant areas of the home
If I click ‘no’, a question drops down asking how you determined the equipment is suitable for the home. For this example, I am going to click on ‘photographs/plans/drawings provided to prescriber who has checked information and confirmed suitability’
Note the red message at the bottom of the page stating that if the equipment is not trialled within the home environment and proves unsuccessful, MASS is not responsible for replacing the requested equipment.
Indicate the outcome of the trial
There is a free text box available to provide any information about the application or trial within the home environment.
Click ‘next’
Modifications/ accessories selection
I will select accessories for the bath transfer bench.
Click on the bath transfer bench arrow
Click on the green ‘add modifications/accessory’ button
For this example, I am going to input ‘Suction feet’
In description – type in ‘Suction feet’
Mod/accessory type – click on ‘Suction feet inside bath (per pair)’
Clinical justification – For example ‘To prevent movement and slippage’
Price – please input the price from the quote
Click ‘next’
Next is the delivery and other charges section
The price and delivery cost should self-populate. Ensure the price is correct.
And click ‘next’
Funding summary
The SOA prices should self populate.
Under the totals tab for each piece of equipment, note there is a mandatory field for you to enter the total on the quote (excluding GST). Input the amount here. If you did not obtain a quote, just copy the SOA amount from above
Please note if a co-payment applies, discussion with the applicant needs to occur
In this instance, there is no co-payment and no other charges
Press ‘next’
Application details
These questions assist MASS to prioritise applications
Work through the questions, ticking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as applicable
When you get to the question
‘Do you wish to request this application be reviewed by a clinical advisor?’
If you click ‘yes’, a free text box will appear for any additional information you may want to add
A static 3-in-1 commode does not require a quote. However, an SOA bath transfer bench either requires a quote or a spec form be uploaded.
Please note for non-SOA products, more questions will appear as you fill out the form and a quote is required
The last section is submitting to MASS
Click the ‘Check box’ and submit
A PDF copy of the application will be sent to the Prescriber’s email address listed on the application. However, there is a download PDF button to get an additional copy if required.
How to find equipment in MASS-eApply
Video transcript
I am going to talk you through how to find equipment in MASS-eApply. For this example, I am going to use a basic Sonata hoist and SOA sling.
Equipment Selection
Click on ‘Patient lifting devices (hoists) and sling items’
Ensure you select the correct category
In the product selection tab, equipment choices will pertain to the category chosen in this section
Choosing the right category also dictates the relevant questions that are asked as you proceed through the form.
Some categories of confusion are tilt in space (manual wheelchair and mobile shower chairs) and patient lifting devices as opposed to patient transfer platforms (for example a Sara steady)
For this example, I am going to click on ‘Mobile floor hoist – basic’
And click ‘next’
Work through the form until you reach product selection
The first question asks ‘if the product is on the SOA?’ Only SOA equipment is listed in MASS-eApply for selection from the drop-down menu options.
Non-SOA items require the product details to be inputted on the application.
For this example, I have chosen equipment on the SOA. Click ‘yes’.
The SOA items are listed by product brand and product name.
If you click on the drop-down arrow and scroll, you may not find the correct item if you are looking alphabetically.
If you start typing, you can begin in the middle of the entry and it should still pull up relevant options.
So, for ‘Sonata’, you could type in the brand, which is ‘Allegro’,
or the model name, which is ‘Sonata’,
or the model number, which is 150.
Any of these should bring up the range of sonata hoist options.
However, if you are too specific and the information doesn’t match, then it may eliminate options.
It is best to start with just a few letters or numbers, and only expand further if there are too many options.
For this example, I am going to type in ‘Sonata’ and pick the ‘Allegro Sonata 150 pivot clip’.
It will then ask if you are requesting slings.
Click ‘yes’ or ‘no’ depending on what you require.
For this example, I am going to click ‘yes’.
Click on the green ‘complete sling selection’ button.
It will automatically open a new screen.
Click on the ‘drop down list’.
This will show all the slings that are compatible with the hoist selected.
As it is a pivot hoist only pivot slings will be shown.
For this example, I am looking for an Allegro x-large fabric pivot sling.
I am going to search for it using different methods to show you what can happen.
Firstly, if I type in ‘Allegro’, it brings up all the Allegro slings.
However, the list is still quite long.
If I then type in ‘large’, it comes up with ‘no matches found’.
If I cancel the search and just type in ‘large’, I get both available brands, plus size options of large, X-large and XX-large.
Additionally, you still have to scroll through a large list of options.
Please note for small and medium it reduces the number of selected items quite effectively.
However, ensure you are picking the correct brand and fabric type.
If I type in ‘xlarge’ it comes up with no matches found.
If I add a dash so that it is spelt ‘x-large’, the options come up.
Also note here that XX-large options still appear.
Please select carefully and ensure the correct brand and fabric type is chosen.
If you cannot find the equipment and you have only typed in one word, please ensure the spelling is correct.
Do not type out the full brand before the product code as the program cannot find the equipment this way.
If you look on the quote received there should be a product code.
For the sling chosen for this example, the product code is 27P01XL.
If you search by using this code, the selected item should appear.
If no matches appear please ensure the code has been inputted correctly.
Click on the highlighted item.
If you cannot find the equipment you require after using any of these search methods, please go back to the equipment selection tab and double check that the correct category has been chosen.
If you need to change this, ensure you work through the form again as new questions will appear when a different category is chosen.
This should assist to find the SOA equipment on MASS-eApply. If you continue to have difficulties, please contact MASS to discuss.
Applying for equipment which has a range of features included in the base price
Video transcript
I am going to talk you through applying for equipment which has a range of features included in the base price. The RAZ self-propel mobile shower commode will be used for this example.
At the equipment Selection.
Click on ‘bathing’ and ‘toileting aids’ then ‘mobile shower commode’ and then press ‘next’.
Work through the application up to product selection.
Please note: any questions with an asterisk are mandatory.
Product selection.
The Raz self-propelled model is on the SOA, so click ‘yes’, then click on the ‘drop-down list’ and type in ‘RAZ’.
Note: equipment should be matched specifically from the MASS-eApply dropdown list. Start typing in the box using limited detail to bring up relevant options. Add more detail if required to narrow down your search.
For this example, I am going to click on ‘RAZ’, ‘height adjustable’, ‘self-propelled’.
Please double check client’s weight as it cannot exceed or come within 5kg of the maximum safe working load of the equipment.
Equipment trial details.
Ensure you select the SOA supplier or one of their approved SOA agents for the equipment chosen.
For the RAZ shower commode the SOA supplier is ‘Motion Specialities’. Select length of trial completed. Indicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ if the equipment was trialed in all relevant areas of the home.
Please note: MASS requires all equipment is trialled in the home environment. If this is not possible there is an opportunity to indicate other strategies used to ensure the equipment is a suitable fit for the home.
Select the outcome of the trial. There is a free textbox to add relevant information for the clinician reviewing the application.
Modifications and accessories.
The standard model of the RAZ shower commode has a range of features included in the base price. Many of these features can be subsidised through MASS where clinically justified for your client.
By specifying these as modifications, funding can be applied and offset against the price of the frame where it exceeds the MASS subsidy. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for Bathing and Toileting Aids, located on the MASS website, for modifications/accessories subsidised through MASS.
Click on ‘add modifications/accessories’. Add any modifications itemised on your quote into this section for example, seat and pan and carrier.
In addition, where your client is clinically eligible, you can add features of the RAZ that are not itemised on the quote. I will go through some options and how to request funding considerations for these.
First feature is the backrest.
For description, type in ‘tension adjustable backrest’
For mod/ accessory type: ‘select backrest basic’ (to match the subsidised item in the Guidelines).
For clinical justification explain why your client needs this feature.
For price, type in ‘zero dollars’ – as this is a standard feature of the RAZ and not itemised on the quote, there is no price.
NOTE: please do not put the subsidy amount here.
The next example is hand rims. This will only be relevant where the client self-propels.
Description, type in hand rims.
Mod/accessory type click on ‘hand rims – standard/basic’.
Clinical justification e.g. ‘allows the client to mobilise independently’.
Price input ‘zero dollars’.
Where a non-standard height set up is required, the height adjustability of the RAZ can be justified as a ‘frame modification’.
Other standard inclusions that can potentially be added for the self-propelled RAZ mobile shower commode, where the applicant is clinically eligible, include additional locking castors, bowel management frame (for side access with side opening or side bite seat), push handles, and padded arm rests.
Once the relevant modifications are added, progress through the form.
At the application details section, when asked ‘do you wish to request this application be reviewed by a clinical advisor?’ please click ‘yes’. A free textbox will appear, type in ‘clinician to review modifications added.’ Also provide any additional details or justification here.
Click next and follow the prompts to submit the application to MASS.