Electronic Resources
Resource Lists
- A-Z Databases - access the complete list of electronic databases available via QH Libraries or CKN subscription
- Journal Search - access the complete list of journals (print and electronic) available via QH Libraries or CKN subscription
- BrowZine - browse, read and monitor the collection of electronic journals available to all QH staff via BrowZine. Find out more, including how to access this product as an app, at CKN.
Electronic Resources by HHS
This section provides links to electronic information resources that are not available on the Clinical Knowledge Network (CKN). Use of the resources is restricted to staff working in the Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) listed below.
UpToDate (offsite access requires a login, which is obtained by registering on a work computer. CQHHS staff only, not WBHHS)
- Australian Standards (SAI Global)
- Ovid eBooks
- UpToDate access (Offsite access requires a login, which is obtained by registering on a work computer. You must have a Qld Health email address to log in.)
- UpToDate - Quick Reference Guide
Pathology Queensland staff are not required to register with the library. Please contact FSS_IRS@health.qld.gov.au if you are unable to access the resources.