Queensland Perinatal Statistics 2015
Perinatal Statistics 2015 Annual Report Introduction (PDF, 973kB)
Perinatal Statistics 2015 Annual Report Tables (PDF, 674kB)
1.& 2. Summary Statistics 1997-2015 (PDF, 244kB; XLS tables and figures, 65kB)
Selected variables by year - number of mothers
Selected variables by year - proportion of all mothers
Selected variables by year - number of babies
Selected variables by year - proportion of all babies
3. Assisted Conception Information (PDF, 82kB; XLS tables and figures, 81kB)
Mothers, Queensland:
3.01 Mothers by method of assistance and type of facility
3.02 Mothers by method of assistance
3.03 Age of mother by assisted conception
3.04 Mothers by method of assistance and plurality
3.05 Mothers with assisted conception: Birth weight by gestation
3.06 Assisted conception by Hospital and Health Service of usual residence of mother
3.07 Assisted conception by birth status
4. Mother's Demographic Details (PDF, 36kB; XLS tables and figures, 65kB)
Mothers, Queensland:
4.01 Age of mother by plurality of pregnancy
4.02 Hospital and Health Service of usual residence of mother
4.03 Marital status of mother by plurality of pregnancy
4.04 Indigenous status of mother
4.05 Country of birth of mother
4.06 Body Mass Index (BMI) by facility type
5. Mother’s Antenatal Details (PDF, 56kB; XLS tables and figures,104kB)
Mothers, Queensland:
5.01 Number of antenatal visits by indigenous status of mother
5.02 Parity by age of mother
5.03 Selected medical conditions of mother
5.04 Selected pregnancy complications
5.05 Antenatal transfer status by indigenous status of mother
5.06 Selected reasons for antenatal transfer by indigenous status of mother
5.07 Smoking Status by number of cigarettes after 20 weeks gestation
5.08 Smoking Advice during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy to mothers who smoked
5.09 Antenatal care type
5.10 Gestation at first antenatal visit by facility type
6. Labour and Delivery Details (PDF, 115kB; XLS tables and figures, 138kB)
Mothers, Births, Queensland:
6.01 Onset of labour by plurality of pregnancy
6.02 Onset of labour by age of mother
6.03 Selected reason for induction
6.04 Presentation by plurality of pregnancy
6.05 Method of birth by plurality of pregnancy
6.06 Method of birth by age of mother
6.07 Method of birth by presentation
6.08 Method of birth by method of pharmacological analgesia during labour/birth
6.09 Method of birth by method of non-pharmacological analgesia during labour/birth
6.10 Method of birth by method of anaesthesia during labour/birth
6.11 Labour status by primary caesarean section reason
6.12 Onset of labour by method of birth
6.13 Onset of labour by method of birth for term, singleton births to primiparous mothers
6.14 Method of birth by onset of labour, mothers with previous caesarean section
6.15 Selected labour and birth complications
6.16 Method of birth by selected labour and birth complications
6.17 Selected procedures and operations performed during pregnancy, labour and the puerperium
6.18 Selected puerperium complications
6.19 Genital tract trauma by surgical repair
6.20 Episiotomy by surgical repair
6.21a Genital tract trauma by accoucheur to primiparous mothers
6.21b Genital tract trauma by accoucheur to multiparous mothers
6.22 Selected antenatal ultrasounds
7. Baby Details (PDF, 108kB; XLS tables and figures, 169kB)
Births, Queensland:
7.01 Sex by outcome
7.02a Apgar score at 1 minute and 5 minutes (livebirths)
7.02b Apgar score at 1 minute by Apgar score at 5 minutes (livebirths)
7.03 Use of resuscitation (livebirths)
7.04 Resuscitation other than routine suction (livebirths)
7.05 Birthweight by indigenous status of mother
7.06 Gestation by indigenous status of mother
7.07 Birthweight by gestation (singleton births)
7.08 Birthweight by gestation (multiple births)
7.09 Neonatal treatment by gestation (livebirths)
7.10 Neonatal survival by birthweight
7.11 Selected conditions causing neonatal morbidity (livebirths)
7.12a Fluid baby received during the birth episode by age of mother (livebirths discharged home)
7.12b Fluid baby received in the 24hours prior to discharge by age of mother (livebirths discharged home)
7.13a Fluid baby received during the birth episode by accommodation status of mother (livebirths discharged home)
7.13b Fluid baby received in the 24hours prior to discharge by accommodation status of mother (livebirths discharged home)
7.14a Fluid during the birth episode by number of previous births (livebirths discharged home)
7.14b Fluid 24hours prior to discharge by number of previous births (livebirths discharged home)
7.15 Selected congenital anomalies (January to June, July to December)
8. Hospital, Birth Centres and Planned Home Births Information (PDF 251kB; XLS tables and figures, 114kB)
Mothers, Queensland:
8.01 Hospital and Health Service of usual residence of mother by type of facility and accommodation
8.02 Age of mother by type of facility and accommodation
8.03 Onset of labour by type of facility and accommodation
8.04 Method of birth by type of facility and accommodation
8.05 Hospital and Health Service of usual residence of mother by Hospital and Health Service of birth facility
8.06 Livebirths transferred, level of nursery at facility of birth by level of nursery at facility of transfer
8.07 Mothers transferred antenatally, level of nursery at facility of birth by level of nursery at facility of transfer
8.08 Hospital and Health Service of usual residence of mother by age of mother at birth
8.09 Babies by facility of birth, type and name
9. Discharge Details and Length of Stay (Mother and Baby) (PDF, 57kB; XLS tables and figures, 82kB)
Mothers & Births:
9.01 Separation status of mother
9.02 Separation status of baby
9.03 Postnatal length of stay of mother by type of facility and accommodation
9.04 Postnatal length of stay of mother by parity
9.05 Postnatal length of stay of mother by method of birth
9.06 Length of stay by birthweight
9.07 Month of birth
10. Perinatal Deaths (PDF, 90kB; XLS tables and figures, 155kB)
Perinatal deaths, Queensland:
10.01 Perinatal deaths: Type of perinatal death by sex
10.02 Stillbirths: Time of death by sex
10.03 Neonatal deaths: Age at neonatal death by sex
10.04 Age of mother by type of perinatal death
10.05 Indigenous status of mother by type of perinatal death
10.06 Marital status of mother by type of perinatal death
10.07 Plurality of pregnancy by type of perinatal death
10.08 Birthweight by type of perinatal death
10.09 Gestation by type of perinatal death
10.10 Hospital and Health Service of usual residence of mother by type of perinatal death
10.11 Neonatal Deaths: Birthweight by gestation
10.12 Stillbirths: Birthweight by gestation
10.13 Main condition in fetus/neonate by type of perinatal death
10.14 Nature/site of congenital anomaly by type of perinatal death
10.15 Postmortem status by type of perinatal death
10.16 Selected weight & gestation groupings by type of perinatal death
Incidence Data Queensland Newborn Screening (PDF, 27kB; XLS tables and figures, 36kB)
Perinatal Data Collection Form (MR63D) January to June 2015 | |
Perinatal Data Collection Form (MR63D) July to December 2015 |
Perinatal Data Collection Manuals