Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS CoV)
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Public health management guidelines
Pathology laboratories
- Notification criteria for pathology laboratories (PDF, 55kB)
- Communications (notification procedure)
Attending medical practitioners/medical superintendents (or delegates)
- Case definition
- Communications (notification procedure)
Notification resources
- List of all Pathological, clinical and provisional diagnosis notifiable conditions
- List of Public Health Unit contacts
- Notifiable conditions report for Queensland doctors/clinicians (PHA S70) or person in charge of a Hospital (PHA S71) (PDF, 77kB) - if faxing notification, follow up by phone.
- Case report form (PDF, 184kB) - used by public health units to collect and manage more detailed information for enhanced case surveillance.
- Screening tool form (PDF, 156kB) – used by public health units to screen clinical notifications.
Enhanced surveillance for public health units
- Case report form (PDF, 184kB) - used by public health units to collect and manage more detailed information for enhanced case surveillance.
- Screening tool form (PDF, 156kB) – used by public health units to screen clinical notifications.
Resources for health professionals
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) – Australian Government Department of Health information for health professionals and the general public.
- Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2019) – National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines provide information about standard and additional precautions, including recommended cleaning and duration of precautions (Table A2.3).