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Fact sheet - Health conditions directory
Botulism is a rare but potentially fatal condition that causes progressive and often rapid weakness. In Australia, there is typically only one case of botulism reported per year. Botulism is caused by nerve toxins made by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. These bacteria are found worldwide in soils, but people who develop botulism most commonly get it from eating food that is contaminated with the bacteria or its toxin. Occasionally, the bacteria can get into the body through a break in the skin. The toxin that causes botulism is one of the most powerful known poisons and small amounts can do lots of damage to nerves. While death from botulism is rare, full recovery may take months.
Public health management guidelines
Pathology laboratories
Attending medical practitioners/medical superintendents (or delegates)
Notification resources
- List of all Pathological, clinical and provisional diagnosis notifiable conditions
- List of Public Health Unit contacts
- Notifiable conditions report form for Queensland doctors/clinicians (PHA S70) or person in charge of a Hospital (PHA S71) (PDF, 77kB) - if faxing notification, follow up by phone.
Enhanced surveillance for public health units
Case report forms - used by public health units to collect and manage more detailed information for enhanced case surveillance.
Adult Case report form (PDF, 431KB)
Infant Case report form (PDF, 407KB)