Management of Subcutaneous Infusions in Palliative Care
Some Learning Resources
PallConsult Learning Package for Niki T34, T34 and BodyGuard T syringe pumps includes:
- A practical handbook for health professionals: How to safely set-up, commence and provide necessary documentation for NIKI T34TM syringe pump (2nd and 3rd editions) infusions
- Online education module: The online education module teaches health professionals about how to safely use the NIKI T34TM syringe pump
- Setting up and commencing a NIKI T34TM syringe pump infusion with a new syringe: A step-by-step guide
- Three short training videos illustrating some of the essential elements for ensuring safe delivery of NIKI T34TM syringe pump infusions:
- Competency checklist: NIKI T34TM syringe pump
PallConsult SurefuserTM Learning Package
caring@home/Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative (2020) Guidelines for the handling of palliative care medicines in community services (Version2)
Dickman A, Schneider J (2016). The syringe driver: Continuous subcutaneous infusions in palliative care (4th ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Flinders University School of Nursing & Midwifery. Basic drug calculations. Accessed 8 January 2020.
Government of Western Australia, Department of Health. Palliative care medicine and symptom guide. WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network; 2011. Accessed 8 January 2020.
Knowles MS, Holton EF, Swanson RA (2005). The adult learner (6th ed). London: Elsevier.