A Guide To The Learning Package
A Guide To The Learning Package
Use of subcutaneous infusion devices is standard practice in palliative care and improves patient comfort by administration of medications to assist in symptom control.
Information in the learning package promotes a standard approach to clinical care using a subcutaneous infusion. It provides basic information to develop knowledge for beginner level practice with subcutaneous infusion devices or revision for the more experienced practitioner.
The package presents information in six modules, based on the Centre for Palliative Care Research and Education’s Guidelines for subcutaneous infusion device management in palliative care and other settings (Third edition).
It is suggested you work through each module in turn. Read the information in each module, read or watch given links and complete activities. At the end of each module, a short quiz is presented to test your understanding. You should find the answers to the questions by reviewing the content and links and completing all activities in each module. The package also requires you to source certain information from your own organisation.
Completion of all modules of the learning package provides basic information for best practice use of subcutaneous infusion devices, allowing for competency development and maintenance. Completion of the self assessment including discussion with a knowledgeable health professional is recommended.