CPCRE/Other Education
Other Provider Education Events
CPCRE Palliative Care Resource List
CPCRE Palliative Care Resources for Aged Care
Palliative Care Australia multilingual resources
The CPCRE/QUT continuing education Unit 'Palliative Care Nursing in Various Contexts' due to run in Semester 2, 2021, has been put on hold. For information about what is happening with the unit, contact qutex@qut.edu.au
Self-Care Matters (Dr Jason Mills and Palliative Care Australia)
- GP Resources
- Brief GP educational videos
- Cancer Pain for GPs - Prof Janet Hardy
- Case Conferencing for GPs - Prof Geoff Mitchell
- Grief and Loss for GPs - AProf Judith Murray
- Nausea and Vomiting for GPs -Dr Greg Parker
- Paediatric palliative care for GPs - Dr Anthony Herbert
- Principles of Palliative Care for GPs - Dr Carol Douglas
- Prognostication and GPs - Dr Katherine Martinez
- Spirituality and GPs - Dr Sue Colen
- Caresearch GP Hub
- ACRRM online learning
- RACGP gplearning
- GP PainHelp app
- GP education in Queensland
- Brief GP educational videos
- Nursing Resources
- Allied Health Resources
- Aged Care Resources
- CPCRE palliative care resources for aged care
- ELDAC connects people working in aged care with palliative care and advance care planning information, resources and services. Toolkits are an important way of supporting these connections
- Pain in Residential Aged Care Facilities 2018 2nd Ed. (Aust Pain Society)
CPCRE Education Calendar (Print/online)
CPCRE compiles a six monthly calendar of its own palliative care educational activities plus those offered by Queensland Health/other organisations for health care professionals in Queensland.
Centre On-Line and Bulletin
The Centre’s quarterly newsletter and monthly bulletin have information about education, conferences, research and service delivery. To receive the Bulletin, Newsletter, regular emails about palliative care events, and print calendar twice yearly, go to 'Stay Up to Date'
For more palliative care education information, see Caresearch education pages
CPCRE's Educational Focus
- working with aged care providers and specialist palliative care services to optimise end of life care in aged care
- providing updates in palliative care for primary care and specialist providers in palliative care
- working with Indigenous health providers and communities to improve their access to and quality of palliative care services
CPCRE's Education Role
The Centre serves as a resource for best practice in palliative care education and seeks to build workforce capacity for providing a palliative approach in various health care settings.
CPCRE has a state-wide role in developing, providing, promoting and supporting palliative care education. In collaboration with other education providers, clinical services, Primary Health Networks and Aged Care organisations, the Centre develops evidence based educational resources and provides a range of educational activities to enhance palliative care services in Queensland. The Centre is an endorsed education provider with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
The Centre offers education in: Aged Care, Clinical Skills, Indigenous Program, Allied Health, Nursing, Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA), GP Education
Education and registration requirements for health professionals can be found at the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).