Paediatric Sleep Medicine
If any of the following are present or suspected, please refer the patient to the emergency department (via ambulance if necessary) or follow local emergency care protocols or seek emergent medical advice if in a remote region.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
- Severe or persistent hypoxia once woken
Disorder of initiation and maintenance of sleep (DIMS)
- If parent is so distressed as to be actively considering harming the child
Toddler or baby with night waking/settling issues
- If parent is so distressed as to be actively considering harming the baby/child
Circadian rhythm disorders
- Sudden severe daytime sleepiness or reduced level of consciousness
- Parasomnia resulting in significant injury
Neuromuscular disease
- Significant chest infection/illness leading to deterioration in respiratory status
- Severe or persistent hypoxia and/or hypercarbia
Cerebral palsy, significant neuro disability
- Chest infection/illness causing deterioration in respiratory status
- Chronic or persistent hypoxia and/or hypercarbia
Syndromes at higher risk of sleep disordered breathing (SDB)
- Significant deterioration in respiratory status
Referral for ongoing respiratory support
- Equipment failure during the night; wake child and present if unable to resolve equipment issues
Please note this is not an exhaustive list of all conditions for outpatient services and does not exclude consideration for referral unless specifically stipulated in the CPC out of scope section.
- Cerebral palsy, significant neuro disability PAEDIATRIC
- Circadian rhythm disorders PAEDIATRIC
- Disorder of initiation and maintenance of sleep (DIMS) PAEDIATRIC
- Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS)/narcolepsy PAEDIATRIC
- Neuromuscular disease PAEDIATRIC
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) PAEDIATRIC
- Parasomnias PAEDIATRIC
- Referral for ongoing respiratory support PAEDIATRIC
- Syndromes at higher risk of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) PAEDIATRIC
- Toddler or baby with night waking/settling issues PAEDIATRIC
The following are not routinely provided in a public Paediatric Sleep Medicine service.
Not all services are appropriate to be seen in the Queensland public health system. Exceptions can always be made where clinically indicated. It is proposed that the following are not routinely provided in a public Paediatric Sleep Medicine service
- Children with enuresis as the presenting problem except when obstructive sleep apnoea is suspected – refer to General Paediatrics
- Primary management of mental health disorders – refer to Mental Health or local Paediatrician
- Suspected seizure disorders during sleep – refer to Paediatric Neurology
- Developmental disorders without specific sleep symptoms – refer to developmental or general paediatrics
- Brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE) unless a specific sleep disorder is suspected
- Infant or toddler settling issues – refer pathways include child health nurse, Ellen Barron Centre or general paediatrics
Last updated: 3 December 2024
© State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2023
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