General Surgery
If any of the following are present or suspected, please refer the patient to the emergency department (via ambulance if necessary) or follow local emergency care protocols or seek emergent medical advice if in a remote region.
- Suspected strangulated/incarcerated or obstruction of any hernia
Hepatobiliary/pancreatic surgery
- New onset of obstructive jaundice
- Acute cholecystitis
- Gallstones with symptoms of cholangitis
- Acute pancreatitis
Colorectal bowel disease
- Bowel obstruction
- Severe per rectum bleeding
- Acute abscess at any site
- Bowel perforation
Perineal disease and faecal incontinence
- Acute painful perianal conditions with intractable pain
- Perianal abscess
Other referrals to emergency
- Acute, severe abdominal pain with or without associated sepsis
- Acute painful perianal conditions
Please note this is not an exhaustive list of all conditions for outpatient services and does not exclude consideration for referral unless specifically stipulated in the CPC out of scope section.
The following are not routinely provided in a public General Surgery service.
- Aesthetic or cosmetic surgery
- Abdominal lipectomy
- Appearance medicine
- Vasectomy (unless within scope of the local health service)
- Reversal of vasectomy
Last updated: 18 December 2018
© State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2023
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