Training and education services

QuEDS provides education to health professionals throughout Queensland to facilitate skill development to assess and treat people with eating disorders.

A range of training opportunities are offered throughout the year including regular in-service days on inpatient care, adult outpatient treatments, management in primary care, as well as other dietetic, psychological and nursing care topics on request.

Training is open to workers in the public sector, private practice and community based professionals. Training can be developed in accordance with the local area or individual service development needs.

QuEDS is staffed by a specialised multidisciplinary team including psychiatrists, psychiatric registrars, psychologists, social workers, dietitians, occupational therapists and mental health nurses. We also regularly consult with carers and consumer representatives.

Please contact QuEDS for training event information at

QuEDS Research

QuEDS has established partnerships with the University of Queensland (UQ), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR). We are happy to collaborate on grant applications and research projects with other organisations or to students on clinical or research placements.

We partner with a range of other government and non-government organisations to deliver training, consultation treatment and research. QuEDS values the expertise of those with lived experience in the planning, development, delivery and evaluation of our services.

Contact us

QuEDS referral form (PDF, 122KB)

Intake line

Phone: (07) 3114 0809
Fax: (07) 3100 7555

QuEDS Day Program

Phone: (07) 3100 7500
Fax: (07) 3100 7555
Location: Hutchenson House- 2 Finney Road, Indooroopilly

Specialist Consultation Clinic

Enquiries: (07) 3114 0809 (intake line)
Administration: (07) 3646 1150
Location: Outpatients Clinic, Level E- Ground Floor, Mental Health Centre, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Training and education

Service hubs

Eating Disorder Service Sunshine Coast (SC EDS)

Phone: (07) 5459 6900 (Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm)
Fax: (07) 5443 7047

After hours: 1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255)

Gold Coast Eating Disorder Program (GCHHS-AEDP)

Phone: (07) 5635 6200
Referrals: 1300 MHCALL (1300 642 255)

Last updated: 30 April 2019