Advice and consultation services
Recommended medical monitoring (and the QuEDS Statewide Guidelines for Admission)
Medical assessment is always the first recommended response to a suspected eating disorder, and this can usually be attended with the GP using page 2 of the QuEDS statewide guidelines, A guide to admission and inpatient treatment for people with an eating disorder in Queensland (2017) (PDF, 182KB).
Ongoing medical monitoring (including blood tests) should be regularly attended as clinically indicated, preferably with the same clinician each visit for consistency. If you are a GP or clinician treating an eating disorder, please see our resources section for other education tools.
Additional information on medical monitoring for eating disorders is available on the Metro North PHN Health Pathway “Eating Disorders in Adults”.
QuEDS Specialist Consultation Clinic
This clinic provides assessment service and treatment recommendations for referring GPs, located on E Floor, Mental Health Centre, RBWH.
A weekly clinic is held on Mondays at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) for one-off assessment for diagnostic clarification and treatment recommendations (both public and private options) for referring GPs. The QuEDS referral form (PDF, 126KB) needs to be used for referrals to this service.
Patients are seen by a specialist psychiatric registrar or the consultant psychiatrist in the public clinic, with additional access to an on-site dietician as required. Information and treatment recommendations specific to the patient are then fed back to the GP via correspondence. GP referral on the QuEDS referral form (PDF, 126KB) is required to triage patients for this clinic.
Please note that the QuEDS clinic wait time is up to approximately 4 weeks, and while on the waiting list, QuEDS Director- Dr Warren Ward recommends minimum weekly to fortnightly (dependent on clinical risk) medical monitoring by the GP; including BP & HR (lying and standing), temp, weight and bloods (Mg, Electrolytes, LFTS, FBC). The GP is to also ensure bloods are attended within 2 weeks of the clinic appointment and sent to us for our clinic records prior to the appointment.
Attending this program is voluntary and free of cost under Medicare. If the individual does not hold a Medicare card they are welcome to contact QuEDS for further information (i.e. international students often have no out of pocket expense under private health cover). It is available to people with all eating disorder types and BMI ranges.
Please see our list of resources for the A guide to admission and inpatient treatment for people with an eating disorder in Queensland (2017) (PDF, 182KB) (with attention to medical stability criteria on page 2) and the QuEDS referral form (PDF, 126KB).
QuEDS Intake Phone
Phone intake service for clinicians open Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.00pm normal business days.
- The QuEDS intake phone, (07) 3114 0809 for calls from people affected by eating disorders, treating teams, and/or individual practitioners.
- We recommend that concerned family and friends also contact Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ) for community services and support on (07) 3844 6055 or
- QuEDS also provide consultation for service directors and managers to assist with eating disorder service development.
QuEDS Consultation Services
The QuEDS Consultation Service is available to help clinicians state wide in treating people with eating disorders. QuEDS statewide guidelines, A guide to admission and inpatient treatment for people with an eating disorder in Queensland (2017) (PDF, 182KB) have been developed in line with world-wide best practice. Our multi-disciplinary team can help you apply these guidelines to individual cases.
Referrals are available via a phone call to the intake line on (07) 3114 0809. Our consulting specialists can attend team reviews via an on-site visit, teleconference, or video link.
On request, the QuEDS consultation service offer treatment advice for medical and/or psychiatric treating teams in any Queensland hospital or community team to provide assistance with assessment, management recommendations, discharge planning, and where indicated transfer to the tertiary adult specialist beds at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH). These services can be provided in person, by video or teleconferencing. Referral can be made by phone call to 3114 0809 or email to
Clinical support networks
QuEDS closed group, facilitated peer review (via video conference) is open to dietitians employed by Queensland Health. The group runs monthly for 1.5 hours, and consists of 1 hour facilitated group discussion of cases, issues (using the NZ coaching & mentoring framework) plus a 20–30 min discussion or presentation on a larger topic as decided by the group.
Please contact for details.
CBT-E practitioners in Queensland health
CBT-E practitioners in Queensland Health are welcome to join our state-wide peer consultation group which meets monthly, (video and tele-conferencing options available).
Please contact for further details.
Monthly RANZCP Peer Review Group for Psychiatrists interested in Eating Disorders meets 12.30–13.30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the RBWH, with teleconferencing and videoconferencing options available.
Please contact the secretariat at for details.