About cardiac rehabilitation services
Queensland Cardiac Rehabilitation Services
Queensland has 39 cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs delivered from approximately 56 facilities. CR is a prevention program that aims to help patients with cardiac conditions to live with and manage their symptoms and stop their disease getting worse. CR teams can consist of many different treatment providers, including nurses, physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, dietitians, social workers and psychologists to name a few. They provide and support individually tailored programs that include disease management, case management, self-management and rehabilitation.
Clinical Standard for Cardiac Rehabilitation Services
The objective of the standard for CR Services is to ensure that standardised and evidence-based content informs the delivery of CR in Queensland. Specifically: to enable service delivery that is evidence-based, person-centred, culturally aware, flexible, applicable to all modes of delivery and provides consistent and clear messaging.
For more information see the Clinical Standard for Cardiac Rehabilitation Services: Queensland Health (PDF 454 kB)
Statewide Coordination
Queensland has a Statewide steering committee and designated coordinator that report to the Cardiac Clinical Network.
The aim of the statewide coordination process is to support high standards of care by developing and maintaining systems of evaluation, service improvement initiatives, workforce training and education, service planning and development and facilitating research.
Queensland Cardiac Rehabilitation Services Coordinator
Email: QueenslandCardiacRehabilitationProgram@health.qld.gov.au
Phone: 0474 348 023