Clinical resources
Referral information
- Persistent pain management services referral form (PDF 491 kB)
- Screening and referral guide (PDF 335 kB)
- Referral pathway tool (PDF 298 kB)
- Discharge planning and communication guide (PDF 309 kB)
- Children's Health Queensland referral to paediatric persistent pain management service
Patient Factsheets
- Patient Brochure (PDF 440 kB)
- Introduction to persistent pain education series (PDF 379 kB)
- Your pain explained (PDF 329 kB)
- Your community support team (PDF 238 kB)
- Your guide to goal setting and pacing (PDF 194 kB)
- Psychology and persistent pain (PDF 121 kB)
- Your guide to exercising (PDF 171 kB)
- Managing your medicines (PDF 180 kB)
- Your guide to managing flare-ups (PDF 170 kB)
- Your guide to good nutrition (PDF 214 kB)
- More information and tips (PDF 293 kB)
Persistent pain general information
- NSW- ACI Pain Management Network
- painHEALTH - Western Australia Government
- Managing your pain: An A-Z guide
- Pain Toolkit Australia
- Apps for clinicians
Online programs—clinician prescribing and monitoring
- This Way Up’s Chronic pain program is an 8 lesson (over 4 months) online course suitable for adults aged 18years and over to learn practical strategies for managing chronic pain and associated low mood and anxiety. There are other programs including mental health and wellbeing online programs.
- MindSpot pain course is a 5 lesson (over 8 weeks) online pain management program for people aged over 18 years.
- Pain Course (Macquarie University)
- Youth Pain Course (Macquarie University)
Resources for
- Queensland Child and Youth Clinical Network (QCYCN) Clinical Network
- Youth health resource kit to support services and clinicians working with youth 12-24 years of age to provide youth friendly services. Comprehensive information about youth health needs for young people and practical skills and steps for workers to work effectively with young people.
- ACI Pain Network Pain Management Toolkit for Providers:
- Chronic pain in children and adolescents: Tips for management and recovery (for parents and carers)
- The Golden First Hour in Chronic Paediatric Pain
Older persons
First Nations
Multicultural and CALD
Support organisations
- Health Consumers Queensland
- Australian Pain Management Association
- Chronic Pain Australia
- Pain Australia
- Support Kids in Pain (SKiP)
- Endometriosis Queensland
- Pelvic Pain Foundation
- Musculoskeletal Australia (MSK)
- Arthritis Queensland
- FND Australia
- Palliative Care Queensland
- FND Australia Support Services Inc
- NPS MedicineWise
Professional organisations
- The Australian Pain Society
- Faculty of Pain Medicine
- Occupational Therapy Australia
- Australian Physiotherapy Association
- Australian Psychological Society
- Australian College of Nursing
- Primary Health Networks
- Exercise and Sports Science Australia
Strategic plans and policies
- National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management The National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management | Australian Government Department of Health
- World Health Organisation and UNAID (2015). Global standards for quality health-care services for adolescents: A guide to implement a standards-driven approach to improve the quality of health care services for adolescents.