Health research
Queensland Health is continually conducting research to help enhance healthcare practices, fight disease and improve the quality and longevity of life. Patient information is needed for research to help improve the delivery of health services and increase our understanding of diseases, their treatments and side effects.
The Giving InFormation To Research (GIFTR) initiative gives patients admitted to certain Queensland public hospitals the option to consent for their medical information to be used in GIFTR health research.
This information may include:
- medical and personal information in their health record (including mental health, behavioural and sexual health and drug use)
- clinician notes
- test results (including x-rays and blood)
- genetic information.
The information will only be used for GIFTR approved research projects considered to be low risk and non-interventional. No information that could identify an individual is made public, and no physical participation is required.
For more information email or visit Health records and personal information.