The Queensland Needle and Syringe Program (QNSP) aims to reduce the incidence of blood-borne viruses and injection-related injuries and disease in Queensland by:
- providing sterile injecting equipment
- facilitating the safe disposal of used injecting equipment
- improving access and referral to drug treatment programs, health care, and other services.
This is achieved through a network of 150 public needle and syringe programs and over 930 community pharmacies.
Significant public health risks associated with injecting drug use include:
- transmission of blood-borne viruses (HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C) through shared injecting equipment
- injection-related injuries and disease including abscess, cellulitis, endocarditis, septicaemia and loss of limb.
As well as the significant burden placed on individuals and their families, blood-borne viruses and injection-related injuries and disease are a significant additional cost to the health care system, employers, and society.
Find a program
There are many locations across Queensland where you can access clean equipment and dispose of used equipment.
To find a service, you can check the Pharmacy Guild’s list of services or download the location guide for your area.
Learn more about the Queensland Needle & Syringe Program app
Training and resources for Queensland NSPs
QNSP training is available through insight - Alcohol and other drug training workforce development Queensland.
This training presents concepts, knowledge, and skills required to work effectively as a Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) worker in Queensland
Queensland Minimum Data Set for Needle and Syringe Programs
The Queensland Minimum Data Set (QMDS) for the Needle and Syringe Programs is a state-wide standardised data collection system that provides core data about program activities.
The annual report contains descriptive data only on client demographics, drug reporting patterns, interventions, and referrals collected on every occasion of service. No statistical analysis is undertaken.
Data is collated nationally in the Kirby Institute Needle Syringe Program National Minimum Data Collection
Needle and Syringe Helpline: 1800 633 353 (free call), available 24 hours a day.
Queensland Needle and Syringe Program
Email: qnsp@health.qld.gov.au