Sexual health
Sexual health guidelines
Queensland and national sexual health clinical guidelines for clinicians and sexual health nurses.
Syphilis outbreak in Queensland
Information for health professionals on the current outbreak of infectious syphilis in Queensland, including clinical management resources and surveillance.
Contact tracing for sexually transmissible infections
Resources to assist clinicians to conduct contact tracing/partner notifications with patients.
Sexual health training for health providers
Access education and training on sexual health topics for doctors, nurses, and other health professionals.
Surveillance, reports and research for sexual health
Information about the Queensland Sexual Health strategy, and other reports and research on sexual health.
Sexual health promotion resources
Access quality sexual health information, resources and campaign material.
Clinical information about HIV and AIDS
Clinical information about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), S100 Prescriber training, pre- and post-HIV test discussion, and the role of the HIV Public Health Team.
Communicable Disease Control Guidance
The A - Z lists clinical guidelines, notification forms, data and fact sheets for all notifiable conditions in Queensland.
Queensland Needle and Syringe Program
Location guides and annual reports for the Queensland Needle and Syringe Program.
Online chlamydia and gonorrhoea test requests
13 HEALTH Webtest is an additional service for Queenslanders that are 16 years or older, particularly those who do not have access to Medicare or may not be able to go to a health service.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STI Drug Replacement Program
The program provides eligible patients with free treatment for chlamydia, gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis at participating health services.