For professionals and service providers - Queensland Stay On Your Feet
This section is for anyone who works with older people, including individuals, community organisations, health and medical professionals in hospitals and the community, aged care facilities, local councils, government departments and the fitness industry. Queensland Stay On Your Feet® promotes the key messages of strength, balance, health, safety and independence for older people, rather than just focusing on falls prevention.
Falls prevention is everybody's business
Health care professionals ranging from GPs to nurses and allied health professionals play a critical role in helping to reduce falls among older people, by assessing a person's falls risk, managing treatment and making their environments safer. Local government, private businesses, the fitness industry and other community organisations can also help in a range of ways. Working together is the best way to keep older Queenslanders healthy and active for longer.
Falls research and resources
Access links to scientific research and professional resources, including the Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Community Good Practice Guidelines.
Find out how to help older Queenslanders
Find out the role you can play in preventing older people from falling, based on where they are placed on the health continuum.
Falls risk factors and what works
Find out the key risk factors for falls, how to assess an older person's risk of falling and what works to reduce the risk of falls.
Stay On Your Feet® toolkit
Use our toolkit to run a best practice falls prevention initiative, and access practical tools and case studies.
Hospital and residential aged care facilities
Find out more about falls in hospitals and residential aged care facilities and how they can be prevented.