List of notifiable conditions
This list of conditions is sourced from the Public Health Regulation 2018 (Schedule 1).
It provides a quick reference for the kind of notification required for each condition and highlights conditions that need immediate notification to the public health units.
Read about the types of notification requirements.
Notification resources
- A-Z list of conditions (includes links to case report forms, condition-specific notification forms, guidelines, fact sheets and other resources)
- Public Health Units contact details
- Notifiable Conditions Report Form for Queensland Doctors/Clinicians (section 70 PHA) or a person in charge of a Hospital (section 71 PHA) (PDF, 48KB).
- Queensland notification criteria guidelines for laboratories (PDF, 459kB)
- Notification procedures are outlined in the guidelines
- Guideline for the management of notifiable conditions in interstate visitors to Queensland.
Pathological, clinical and provisional diagnosis notifiable conditions
Pathology laboratories will notify conditions where criteria are pathology request or pathological diagnosis. Where a condition is solely notifiable on pathology request and/or pathological diagnosis, treating clinicians are not required to notify.
Treating clinicians must notify conditions where criteria are clinical or provisional diagnosis. Most conditions must be notified within 48 hours of meeting criteria and notification may be made by email, fax or phone to the local public health unit during office hours.
Some conditions are immediately notifiable and must be notified by fax or email (including after hours) as soon as they meet the criteria.
Immediate notifiable conditions are marked with an asterisk.
Condition | Notification requirements |
*acute flaccid paralysis | clinical |
acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN) | clinical |
acute rheumatic fever | clinical |
acute viral hepatitis | provisional |
adverse event following vaccination | clinical |
*anthrax | pathological diagnosis |
arbovirus (mosquito borne) infections:
| pathological diagnosis |
pathological diagnosis | |
pathological diagnosis | |
Any other arbovirus infections | pathological diagnosis |
*Australian bat lyssavirus infection | pathological diagnosis |
*Australian bat lyssavirus, potential exposure (bat bite, scratch or mucous membrane exposure) | clinical |
*avian influenza | provisional |
| pathological diagnosis |
brucellosis | pathological diagnosis |
campylobacteriosis | pathological diagnosis |
chancroid | pathological diagnosis |
chikungunya | pathological diagnosis |
Chlamydia trachomatis infection
| pathological diagnosis |
*cholera | pathological diagnosis |
*ciguatera poisoning | clinical |
| |
| |
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease | provisional |
cryptosporidiosis | pathological diagnosis |
*dengue | provisional |
diphtheria (other than toxigenic) | provisional |
*diphtheria (toxigenic) |
provisional pathological diagnosis |
donovanosis | pathological diagnosis |
*food or water-borne illness in 2 or more cases | clinical |
*food or water-borne illness in food handler | clinical |
gonococcal infection | pathological diagnosis |
*haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) | clinical |
*Haemophilus influenzae type b (invasive) disease | provisional |
*Hendra virus infection | pathological diagnosis |
*hepatitis A | pathological diagnosis |
hepatitis B | pathological diagnosis |
hepatitis C | pathological diagnosis |
hepatitis D | pathological diagnosis |
hepatitis E | pathological diagnosis |
hepatitis (other) | pathological diagnosis |
human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) | pathological diagnosis |
influenza | pathological diagnosis |
invasive group A streptococcal infection | pathological diagnosis |
*Japanese encephalitis | pathological diagnosis |
lead exposure (notifiable) (blood lead level of 5 ug/dL (0.24 μmol/L) or more) | pathological diagnosis |
*legionellosis | pathological diagnosis |
leprosy (Hansen’s disease) | pathological diagnosis |
leptospirosis | pathological diagnosis |
listeriosis | pathological diagnosis |
lyssavirus (unspecified) | pathological diagnosis |
malaria | pathological diagnosis |
*measles | provisional |
melioidosis | pathological diagnosis |
*meningococcal disease (invasive) | provisional |
*mpox (monkeypox) | pathological request pathological diagnosis |
mumps | pathological diagnosis |
*Murray Valley encephalitis | pathological diagnosis |
non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease | pathological diagnosis |
*paratyphoid | pathological diagnosis |
pertussis | clinical |
*plague | pathological diagnosis |
pneumococcal disease (invasive) | pathological diagnosis |
*poliomyelitis | pathological diagnosis |
psittacosis (ornithosis) | pathological diagnosis |
Q fever | pathological diagnosis |
*rabies | pathological diagnosis |
respiratory syncytial virus | pathological diagnosis |
rheumatic heart disease | clinical |
rotavirus infection | pathological diagnosis |
rubella, including congenital rubella | pathological diagnosis |
salmonellosis | pathological diagnosis |
shiga toxin and vero toxin producing E.coli infection STEC/VTEC | pathological diagnosis |
shigellosis | pathological diagnosis |
*smallpox | provisional |
syphilis, including congenital syphilis | pathological diagnosis |
tetanus | clinical |
tuberculosis | provisional |
*tularaemia | pathological diagnosis |
*typhoid | pathological diagnosis |
varicella - zoster virus infection (chickenpox, shingles or unspecified) | pathological diagnosis |
*viral haemorrhagic fevers (Crimean-Congo, Ebola, Lassa fever and Marburg viruses) | provisional |
*yellow fever | pathological diagnosis |
yersiniosis | pathological diagnosis |
zika virus |
provisional pathological diagnosis |
1 While potential exposure to rabies and other lyssaviruses (bites or scratches from terrestrial mammals including bats in the rabies enzootic countries) is not notifiable, liaison with the local public health unit is required to access funded post exposure treatment.
Clinical and provisional diagnosis (clinicians)
Clinical diagnosis notifiable condition—diagnosed either fully or predominantly on the basis of clinical evidence, including clinical history and signs and symptoms.
Provisional diagnosis notifiable condition—can be provisionally diagnosed on the basis of clinical evidence, including clinical history and signs and symptoms; while awaiting laboratory confirmation. Sometimes early notification is required to enable prompt public health action.
Pathological diagnosis and pathology requests (pathology laboratories)
Pathological diagnosis—the condition requires notification upon pathological diagnosis.
Pathology request—notification is required when the request for diagnosis is received. Sometimes early notification is required to enable prompt public health action.