Principles for use of powered air purifying respirators (PAPR) in healthcare delivery
Please refer to WorkSafe Queensland for detailed information regarding types of respiratory protective equipment and their appropriate application.
- All PAPR used in the delivery of healthcare must be listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
- Follow manufacturer instructions for use at all times. Use only as directed.
- Store PAPR in accordance with manufacturer instructions including, temperature and humidity conditions.
- Before use staff must:
- Have successfully been fit tested in accordance with AS/NZS 1715:2009.
- Completed relevant PAPR training including assembly, use and disassembly.
- Complete a fit check each time PAPR is worn.
- PAPRs may produce background noise. Staff should be aware that this may affect patient-staff and staff-staff communication and comfort. This should be considered a factor in the requirement for rest breaks from PPE.
- Use of PAPR in cohort situations should only be undertaken after a local risk assessment.
- Local procedures on PAPR should contain:
- local reprocessing arrangements in accordance with manufacturer guidance .
- procedures for soiled, contaminated or compromised devices during use.
- Routine maintenance schedule in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
Further information
- Queensland Government. Respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
- Queensland Health Acute Respiratory Infection – Infection Prevention and Control guideline.
- National Health and Medical Research Council Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare
- Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZ)
- AS/NZS1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment
- AS/NZS 17420.2:2021 Respiratory protective devices — Performance requirements, Part 2: Requirements for filtering RPD
- AS/NZS ISO 16900.7:2021 Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment, Method 7: Practical performance test methods
- Queensland Health Fit testing of particulate filter respirators in respiratory protection programs
- Queensland Health Facial hair and ensuring the adequate performance of respiratory protective equipment
- Manufacturer instructions.