Using the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is a whole of life, national immunisation register which records vaccines given to all people in Australia. This includes:

  • COVID-19 vaccines
  • vaccines given under the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
  • privately given vaccines, such as for seasonal influenza or travel*

From 1 July 2021, it is a mandatory requirement for recognised vaccine providers to report the following vaccines:

  • vaccines given under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), including the school immunisation program
  • COVID-19 vaccines given on or after 20 February 2021
  • influenza vaccines given on or after 1 March 2021

*it is not mandatory to report travel vaccines to AIR (it is optional)

For information about mandatory reporting obligations, health professionals can contact the AIR by emailing

Why is reporting to AIR important

Reporting these vaccinations to the AIR means the register contains a complete and reliable dataset. This allows monitoring immunisation coverage and can help health authorities manage outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases.

Keeping the AIR up to date also means that individuals have a complete record of their vaccinations (through their immunisation history statement) and can manage their health more effectively.

The AIR can also be used to:

  • check which vaccines individuals have had and when they are overdue
  • avoid unnecessary re-vaccinations
  • provide proof of vaccination for employment purposes and/or for entry to childcare and school
  • report immunisation medical exemptions online – eligible vaccination providers only
  • get proof of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Which vaccines need to be reported

National Immunisation Program

The National Immunisation Program (NIP) schedule for all people, including pregnant women, adults, children, adolescents and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, provides details of vaccines that must be reported to AIR. NIP vaccines are also available for individuals in particular circumstances such as people with certain medical risk conditions. For more information or clinical advice, refer to the  Australian Immunisation Handbook.

Immunisation Schedule Queensland

The Immunisation Schedule Queensland – July 2023 (current to date) also summarises the eligibility for NIP-funded and state-funded vaccines that must be reported to the AIR. You can access the Schedules below:

When to report

Administration of vaccines must be reported within 24 hours, and no more than 10 working days after the vaccination.

For COVID-19 vaccines, real-time or end of day reporting is appropriate, or as determined by practice procedures.

What to report

To date, elements that need to be reported to the AIR include:

  • personal information: Medicare number (if applicable), name, contact details, date of birth and gender
  • vaccine information: brand name, dose number and batch number, date given, for COVID19 vaccines - vial serial number (if known). It is now mandatory to record a batch number when reporting COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations to the AIR. Astra Zeneca and Pfizer vaccines have a lot number instead of a batch number. Enter the lot number when there is no batch number
  • provider information: provider number, name, and contact details.

How to report

For detailed information about how to report vaccinations to the AIR, visit Services Australia and see How to record an encounter

If your existing software is unable to record vaccinations, the AIR secure site can be used. The AIR secure site can record new patients including those without a Medicare number. Visit Services Australia to view the Australian Immunisation Register education module.

Submitting forms to the AIR

From January 2022, services will no longer be able to mail or fax forms to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). Completed forms can be submitted using a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account which allows access to the form upload function in Health Professional Online Services (HPOS). Immunisation encounters, medical exemptions and immunisations given by another provider, including those performed overseas, can all be recorded directly on to the AIR site and the individual’s record will be updated immediately.

For more information

See the Australian Immunisation Register or Ph 1800 653 809

Last updated: 10 January 2022