School Immunisation Program

School Immunisation Program schedule

Vaccines administered via the Queensland School Immunisation Program are offered free of charge to Queensland adolescents.
Year 7 students are offered:

Year 10 students are offered:

Young people who would usually be in Year 7 or Year 10 but do not attend school, are also eligible for the above listed vaccines. These vaccinations can be administered by a GP, pharmacy or other primary care provider instead of at school.
Note: the vaccine is provided free but there may be a consultation fee charged by the provider.

For the combined Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine, the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine and the Meningococcal B vaccine, young people are eligible for funded catch-up vaccines up to and including 19 years of age. Catch-up for the HPV vaccine is available for people aged 15 years to less than 26 years.

After the cut-off age for catch-ups, vaccines need to be purchased via private prescription.

For parents

Year 7 and Year 10 students will receive a consent form and information sheet with details of the vaccines offered and the diseases they prevent. Parents and legal guardians will be asked to complete, sign and return the consent form so their child can be vaccinated at their school by a qualified provider.

Download the consent form for these students:

For schools

Read the advice for schools hosting an immunisation clinic, including resources for school staff.

For vaccine service providers

Each vaccine service provider should develop their own policy and procedures for conducting a SIP ensuring compliance with current legislation, professional standards and codes of practice.

The Resource kit for vaccine service providers (PDF 2718 kB) provides detailed information on each of the steps to implement a school immunisation clinic.

More information

Contact the Immunisation Program, your local public health unit, or the local SIP Coordinator.

Annual Report

Queensland School Immunisation Program 2023 Annual Report (PDF 1818 kB)

Previous Annual Reports

For schools

Advice for schools hosting an immunisation clinic, including resources for school staff.

For parents

Information and forms for school vaccinations for Year 7 and Year 10 students.

Last updated: 14 February 2024