Bubba Jabs

Since their release in 2011, the Bubba Jabs collection of resources has been successfully used to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander childhood immunisation across Queensland.

Originally developed by the Tropical Public Health Unit in Cairns for use in north Queensland, Bubba Jabs resources are used across the state by many other hospital and health services and  immunisation providers. Bubba Jabs resources help parents and carers understand the childhood immunisation schedule and the importance of immunisation.

Bubba Jabs on Time initiative

Bubba Jabs on Time is a state-wide immunisation initiative developed in collaboration with the Health Contact Centre (HCC).

Using reports drawn from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), the HCC follows up Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under 5 years of age who are identified as overdue for their immunisations.

The follow-up activities include:

  • contacting parents by phone, email, or letter
  • contacting immunisation providers
  • correcting of errors on AIR.


Bubba Jabs resources are available to download below. Printed resources may be available through your local public health unit.

Bubba Jabs schedule poster thumbnail

Bubba Jabs schedule poster (PDF 1782 kB) provides information about the Queensland childhood National Immunisation Schedule (NIP) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. It details the timepoints, diseases targeted and vaccines with graphics to indicate the number of injections/medicines to be given at each timepoint.

Bubba Jabs up to date poster thumbnail

Bubba Jabs promotional poster (PDF 215 kB) is designed to prompt parents to think about timeliness and keeping children up-to-date with their immunisations.
Bubbu Jabs fridge magnet thumbnail

Bubba Jabs fridge magnet (PDF 1581 kB) provides a section for recording dates for immunisation appointments for each of the childhood immunisation timepoints. It can be printed on paper or card.
Free flu jabs for bubbas thumbnail

Free flu jabs for bubbas (PDF 171 kB) promotes free flu vaccine for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children over 6 months of age.
No one protects like you post

Flu vaccination poster (PDF 987 kB) encouraging women to get vaccinated during pregnancy as the best way to protect their child.
Influenza vaccination begins with you poster

Influenza vaccination begins with you (PDF 2381 kB) poster promoting influenza vaccination in pregnancy targeting Torres Strait Islander women.

Last updated: 20 June 2023