Immunisation Schedule Queensland
The schedule of recommended immunisations funded for Queensland residents.
Registration and qualifications
How to become a registered vaccine service provider, what qualifications you need to become an immunisation professional, and Yellow fever vaccination centre information.
School Immunisation Program
Clinical forms and resources for vaccine service providers running a school immunisation clinic
Healthcare worker vaccinations
Recommended vaccinations for people who work in healthcare industries.
Immunisation contacts
Find out who to contact for questions about immunisation in Queensland, and links to further resources for clinicians.
Age of consent for vaccinations
A child can consent to a vaccination if they are assessed as Gillick competent.
Queensland MenB Vaccination Program
In 2024, the Queensland MenB Vaccination Program will provide free meningococcal B (menB) vaccines to eligible Queensland infants, children and adolescents.
Whooping cough (pertussis) and influenza vaccination for pregnant women
A summary of research providing an overview of some key findings and statements from international public health authorities.
Queensland Paediatric Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prevention Program
The program is expanding from 1 December 2024 to provide Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) immunisation to eligible Queensland infants, young children, women and pregnant people.